• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Physical media has been dying for years. If you look at the sales statistics between physical and digital, it makes for grim reading if you care about physical media.

75% of game sales in Europe in 2024 were digital. In 2022, 90% of game sales in the UK were digital. It’s a similar story pretty much everywhere. And whilst there’s a lot of noise on the internet about how bad a digital-only future would be, the average consumer doesn’t care.

I really want this, but £55 for a 3.5 year-old game is a bit steep.

Also, a premium edition that gives you four days early access for a port of an old game is laughable.

This hardly ever happens anymore. I remember the days of the PS3 when it felt like a weekly occurrence.

If signing petitions led to anything, they wouldn’t let you sign them.

You’re on Lemmy. This place is obsessed with posting about Elon every time he farts.

My advice would be not to go to a basket case country just to watch some football.

In fact, it would be far better if people did this so maybe FIFA would then stop being such a bullshit organisation.

So you think Israel is responsible for genocide, yet your solution to that is to… kill them all.

Do you not see the irony here?

Oh and for good measure, Hamas isnt a terror org. It’s a non profit created by a guy whose family was killed by terrorists.

An organisation whose main ambition is the destruction of an entire nation and its people is not a terrorist organisation?

To be fair, there was an awful lot of controversy about that CoD mission at the time.

It’s the irony that people complain about Reddit being full of hate and one of the reasons they left, and yet Lemmy is full of shit like this.

You don’t have to like the guy or his job to think that he shouldn’t be gunned down in the fucking street.

What a cesspit this site is.


So what’s the catch? Well, for starters, PixelShot isn’t as private as Pixel Screenshots is. The developer says that your screenshots themselves are never uploaded to the cloud, which is good, however he says that the text from your screenshots is uploaded to the cloud so an AI model can summarize it.

The only reason companies remove features like this is so they can add them again a few years later and say “ooh look, new feature!”.

The whole of those 2% are on Lemmy.

How do I know? Because they really like to tell you about it.

I’ve never really liked any other launchers I’ve tried, but this one does look nice.

For those who have used it, how does it improve on the standard Pixel launcher?

Do we have any ideas on what the price of this is going to be?

Are there any apps or sites that collate all the patch notes for games?
As the title says. PS5 is a pain in the arse for not putting patch notes on the console and I hate having to scour the internet to try and find what's new in an update. Whether it be "join our Discord" or Facebook pages or hoping someone posts it in a subreddit. So are there any sites or apps that do this well?

I switched from Samsung to Pixel and I’m on my second Pixel phone now and they’re great. So much better OS and smoother than OneUI ever was.

Yes. Most AAA stuff now is just copy and paste because games cost so much to make and so they want a guaranteed return on their investment.

But I think consumers are getting tired of that now, as Ubisoft’s declining sales seem to be demonstrating.

Another falsehood being repeated is that it was in development for 8 years. It wasn’t. 8 years ago it was an idea.

The actual development is around 4 years.

Given that sales were only 25,000, statistically it’s probably none of them.

I like how I got three downvotes just for saying I liked a game. 😂

The $400 million line shows how far some random guy’s unverified opinion can go.

It absolutely didn’t cost more than GTA 5.

And was patched for 60fps on the PS5. Just like The Last of Us 2.

8 years ago, it was just an idea. It was only in development for 4 years.

It didn’t cost 400 million. There’s no way a game like this can cost more than something like The Last of Us 2.

The Dualsense looks nice, but I suspect the price won’t be.

To be fair, you don’t HAVE to buy it to access the beta as it’s open to everyone next weekend.

But yes, betas are now “glorified demos” and have been for a fair few years.

It makes sense if you’re a brand wanting to make more money from people who will just buy the latest thing, regardless of whether it’s a big enough upgrade or not.

I was looking forward to it until I found out it was being made by Ubisoft.

I love Star Wars, but I knew that this game would have exactly the same mechanics that I hate in all Ubisoft games.

The Eurogamer review describes what I expected from this game.

Generic, repetitive Ubisoft fare.

Concord is nothing like Valorant. The gameplay isn’t even remotely similar.

The marketing has been appalling. They’ve mainly focussed their intentions on PS5, but why release a game on a platform but not advertise it for that platform?

Maybe word-of-mouth about the game and some discounts might improve things over the coming months, but Sony have made a bit of a mess with the PC side of this.

I’ve been playing on PS5, getting games quickly and having a lot of fun with it.

If it doesn’t last long, I’ll still get my £35 worth.