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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2024


Yeah I’d imagine Steam is going to be the smallest share of sales for this game by a fairly large margin.

I don’t think that’s the most likely outcome, but I could definitely see it happening and actively am hoping for it.

Got an invite to the playtest from a friend recently.

I should not have accepted it. This game is going to consume my soul

That’s not too insane for a company of their size. It’s higher than many, but far from out of the norm.

The worst part is Intel honestly could’ve have spun this into something of a win if they actually handled it properly. They’ve got over $25B in cash reserves, they could easily afford to do a recall and a big PR campaign about how good they are at accepting responsibility and fixing mistakes.

Frankly? Most people.

Most people are really dumb about this type of thing.

Not that it makes it ok, but I’d bet a large amount of money the single biggest reason for this happening now is how much Nvidia has been squeezing their board partners. It’s why we lost EVGA.

Basically this. Anyone who is surprised by this has been paying literally zero attention to how these things usually go. The majority of the time when a game explodes that much, this happens. Sometimes to a lesser extent, sometimes to a greater one. A good chunk of the people who buy the game in the first place buy it to play with their friends, and when their friends move on to another game, they will too.

While you will have games that are the exception, such as PUBG which has had massive a player count for forever. they are indeed the exception.