You’ve got the history backwards. Twitch is just a spin-off of, rebranded.
I’ve never once seen these girls on my twitch feed. Also, adult channels would obviously be excluded from children’s feed if they’re set up with parental settings.
Also, anyone who has access to the internet has access to porn if they seek it out.
“Think of the children” is such a boring argument. Grumpy old conservatives said the same thing about music videos in the 80s. Now we’ve got incels raging over naked people on the internet.
I am guessing they’ll wait until after new consoles are released. Let people buy ps5/xXxboxXxSeriesNexXxt remastered. Then let people buy the pc version. Get 3 copies sold to each of most hardcore gamers.
Wonder how much effort they will put into preventing mods this time. I know they bought 5M so it seem they will want to shut all the unauthorized mod communities down.
He’s not facing two months. He’s facing 115 years to 155 years according to federal sentencing guidelines. Even if he’s only found guilty of one single count, he will do 20 years minimum.
Certain groups of internet people have been saying he’s going to get away with this the entire time. And everything points to the opposite. And now his bail has been revoked, and the goal post is being moved.
This dude is beyond fucked. It’s time to find someone else to talk about when it comes to the failures and special treatment related the justice department. Using him as an example of said failures really waters down that otherwise valid complaint.
Switch emulators have weird stuttering, frame rate, and various issues. I should know I tried to emulate them. It was a mess. Also, a lot of people really don’t want a handheld with all the hassles of a PC. People like consoles because they’re simple. Hence why the switch has sold like 150 million, and the steam deck has sold like 1.5 million.
Regarding VR gaming:
I have a custom gaming rig and an index. I don’t play it. We used it a bit when we first got it. Then it got put away because it wasn’t being used much, and it’s not fun having sensors, a headset, wires, cord suspension rigging, gaming rig etc. strewn about a large spare room (which most people don’t have), and I don’t feel like getting it back out. It’s just a level of commitment that is too much for me to bother. I’m not suggesting I’m like other consumers, but I feel like people simply don’t care enough to deal with VR until it’s fully fleshed out, easy, wireless, lightweight, affordable with a plethora of games. Which might be quite a while from now.
I upvoted you out of pitty. Hope your motel bed is comfortable.