Also: the stock market and hedge fund architecture is an absolute sham and should be criminalized. Virtually none of it is about entrepreneur startup money; all if it is about creating value out of thin air with nothing to support it. It collapses and destroys our economy on a regular, nearly predictable basis and results in greater wealth disparagement as the whales grab up all the collapsed wealth
The key is “very well regulated”, starting with the ban of corporate lobbyists and abolition and criminalization of PAC donations.
COMMERCE in itself isnt bad. Leveraging money and power to extract resources and value without actually creation anything of value-i.e. Capitalism- is very, very bad.
Make a product and sell it? …good. Perform a service for money?..good. Buy wholesale, sell retail?..fine. Steal natural resources, fund political coups for resources, start wars for resourcces, force destruction of oroduct or allow corporations to hoard resources to corner a market?..BAD
Every time capitalism does stupid shit to drive up the cost of living and spread the wealth gap wider, the people respend with acts of desparation. Capitalism drove rents astronomically high. Capitalism drove the cost of housing astronomically high. Capitalism kept wages stagnant for decades while exponentially increasing executive pay. Capitalism increased the price of petroleum. Capitalism made health care unobtainable. Capitalism saturated the airwaves with radical fascist talk shows and hatemongering. Capitalism talked people into giving money to megachurches instead of paying their bills.
Socialism did none of these things. Capitalism did. Homelessness and ahoplifting is happening in increasing rates in capitalist countries.
Actually I think the problem is capitalists entering into forums and insisting that any regulation of capitalism is communism by default. It’s not a case of one or the other, but there is absolutely no way to reform the system from within its current structure. We would have to first abolish any and all corporate lobbying and criminalize the submission of donor checks to legislators, and then repeal any and all tax breaks and pro corporate laws and regulations passed since 1980.