I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.
yeah but was it cool? Were most kids in high school gaming at your time? Im curious because im a bit over 50 so maybe 1989 or something was the floodgate year. I mean for 55+ to be such a large percentage it would mean a good percentage of the population itself must game in realtion to younger gen right. So I figure something close to 100% of teenagers game nowadays but when I was in high school it might have been under 10%
Im sorta surpised as even when I was in high school video games were something that was considered nerdy. Most had played them but it was considered a bit like comic books, cartoons, and toys. Something you grew out of. I would expect it to not be a major share until I am well over 55+. I though at first maybe it was just people getting new into it like mobile but the article says they make up 23% of the pc gamers and 11% of console (heck I don’t even play console anymore). I wonder if some were influence by their kids?
The main thing I like about dragons dogma is the pawns. Would love a game to dispense with the custom pawn thing and have allies that are just ai versions of players where you could get online and actually play with friends or whatnot in the spots instead. Would love it in like a super hero game and you could set your ai. like you would always be helpful but you could have your character always challenge the leader (maybe thinking like wolverine) or just act like an ass (guy gardner) or be super helpful or just mysterious sounding or whatever.
sorta nothing. I was doing dragons dogma but a combination of its mechanics and it crashing has put me off. then was going to do cyberpunk but this thing with stat checks being based on level put me off. in elden ring im at the point where I think I will take the frenzy flame to save the tinder but im sorta waiting for the dlc to see if I can do that before taking that step. I will get back into things but with tax time in the us combined with all the rest of modern life i have been doing more couch potatoe vegging out for breaks lately.
I would not worry to much about build post 2.0. You can respec perks at any time and if you have phantom liberty you can get all stats to 15 which basically allows you to do almost any build type as level 20 stuff is mostly just min/max really and does not effect gameplay much. If your not sure on the starting path that only effects a few interactions. From what I can tell corpo rat is likely the easiest as it tends to have options to pay less or get paid more while the nomad one has a more rp effect in that you are likely the least sleezy of the backgrounds and your relationship with a major starting guy is more where you are the impressive on. city start is basically equal between the two. you and the guy are pretty much the same as you grew up together and it gets some but not as many special options for discounts or free things or such.
meh.im happier as a member of the federation and honestly if we got all the reddit users it would lower the quality fast.
I was actually the poor kid in a rich area so like my friend had a commodore and the game consoles as they came out (and his family was like average wealth for the area). Money was definitely not stopping most of the kids from being into video games. Arcades were very active to so nothing keeping kids from being into gaming by going to the arcades but again it was a crowd that had almost 100% overlap with the comic book shop.