Or…just go out and meet people? Onlyfans just enables perversity to keep spreading and ruining our society.
Meanwhile, asian shows dump you with 20+ episodes per season
Stellaris optimization update, when?
Where material you?
I am all about killing fucking bugs in the name of humanity. They are the bugs, after all, not us! Hell yeah.
Potatoes exist aplenty in my country, with more than a hundred varieties. Do I have this in the bag?
Well I fixed the problem about the doubt whether free will is real or not. The other problems are something other people should fix
Where tall Latvian women? 🧐
Free will is a lie. There, fixed the problem.
Good thing I got diablo 4 during the steam sale
Meanwhile, I bought diablo 4 during the steam sale at half the price :)
No I mean, I wanna make a full project but without bloating the front end website
Ah, for that I’ll just dump some fast API or flask thing. Vue or flutter will just handle the front end
Me, with my cheap Motorola: you guys have internet problems?
Can I achieve the same with vue.js or flutter? I need to learn this
It’s not steam’s fault that the competition is garbage 🧐
Out there*
Proton is the right way nowadays. Native ports are so last gen
thanks, i make an effort to be a good internet organic bot.
I make crappy corporate software. I know how this garbage is made and it has no quality. It’s all release after release and hope the bugs get fixed after a while by the team.
If they test them, how can they approve crappy games?
Does that mean they get more privileges to make crappy predatory games with loot boxes?
Serious question. Who’d win, wizard trying to cast a spell or sovereign citizen with a gun?
Steam always or lutris if push comes to shove
Or…just go out and meet people? Onlyfans just enables perversity to keep spreading and ruining our society.