Sure, but why do you need Storage in the first place? I have always had less than 100gb and it’s plenty for all apps etc. Everything else goes in the cloud
Back in the day - rooting Android phones and installing custom ROMs were such a big part of Android. I remember so well using titanium backup and Greenify and Cyanogenmod and the list goes on.
Is it still necessary to root in 2023 though?
I have been on vanilla Android without root access for the past couple of years and at this point most root features have made it into the vanilla Android OS. What are your thoughts?
Is it bad that I just love built-in Chrome/Google auto-fill manager? Is this not safe? Autosync to Android does it for me + the fact that i can auto-generate and save/fill passwords seamlessly without having to switch between apps
Now Epic games are next, hopefully.