From what I understand, she received flak for her anti trans views and decided to call it quits. She is Russian, so maybe she was drafted into the war effort as a hacker, or mosy likely she got paid off by these companies.
Most crackers are in countries where extradition for this would be difficult even with solid evidence. Companies have changed tactic to just paying them off so they just don’t do it, or so the rumor mill says. 200k a year to a handful of people is a drop in the bucket for the denuvo cartel.
"Simp squad, UNITE!
Hurry guys, we have to protect daddy Gaben. This heretic must know how shit his opinion is. Be sure to be clever! We know its actually impossible to defend billionaires with logic so just insult the comment itself!"
Imagine defending a man that spends 100 million a year on yatch maintenance.
30% of all the money you spend on games goes directly to Gabens Greed Fund, and you clap. Gross.
Would you ever say the same thing if I was being critical of Bezos or Musk.
The fact is Steam is the only company that benefits from an army of simps ready to defend Gaben at the slightest hint of negativity.
This article is literally a puff piece.
Are you sure I’m the one part of the hive mind, with my 36 downvotes? Your comment is very ironic.
I’m highlighting when you responded to the same comment three times in quick succession.
Your one word lol replies imply I’ve lost my cool but the above behavior kind of points to the opposite and that it is in fact projection.
You came into this conversation angry, seeing as how I insulted your hero. You came in barging saying I was embarrassing you and called my opinion “dogshit”.
Remember that you sought me out and responded to my comment, and have continued for quite a bit of time.
I suggest you revise the conversation and review your behavior in a more critical way, so you can learn from it. I’m not judging you but this isn’t very productive so have a nice day.
I have to be harsh because Steam has so many fan boys.
No matter what you tell yourself, if you come here explicitly to tell me to shut up, you are defending him.
If you think there’s a better way to do it, do so in the next one but I doubt you have ever said anything critical about Gaben or steam, or plan to.
I’m not here to make you look good, I’m not a part of your crew. Idgaf about your opinion, I’m here to say Gaben and Steam sucks.
Stop defending billionaires.
You are in a thread about how Steam does shitty practices and you are telling one of the few agreeing and being critical of Steam to shut up.
Stop defending billonaires.
Reread our conversation. You are the one being agressive.
I shouldn’t have to be silent in what I believe in because you think it makes you look bad by association. It’s a silly reason to begin with and mostly imaginary.
You have basically called me an idiot multiple times and threw colorful language like dogshit at me. I dont mind but it does make your perceived slight seem hypocritical. Stop playing the victim, no one is asking you to respond.
I’m also not here to represent you. Im not part of your club. For one, I can’t be because I hate all billionaires, not just the ones that aren’t popular.
Do you know of any other company that racks in as much cash and gets defended this hard? All I’m seeing is people defending an other billionaire cunt just because they use his product.
Would you tell me to shut up if I was denouncing Elon Musk or Bezos? You can’t be anti-capitalism and pro-Steam. The moment you defend a billionaire, you are part of the problem.
Lack of funding is mentioned every paragraph?
belt-tightening can often mean simply shutting down.
Sheffield says it’s hard not to feel guilty when other studios go under, even as his own struggles. “We’re all kind of fighting for a tiny slice of the same pie,”
“When an indie doesn’t get funding for its game, you just quietly never see their work again,”
The industry is struggling because steam and the other stores keep them on the brink, they have no leeway. I don’t know how steams greed could be seen as unrelated.
This is an article that was floating on lemmy a few months ago.
25% more of the profit can go a long way, if Steam were to only take 5% for example. And it’s not only about bankruptcy, it’s budget for more features, dealing with bugs and potential sequels. The quality is affected as well and Steam, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony don’t deserve all that money instead of the devs, just for being the middle men.
Indie games came about because of multiple factors, steam only being one of them but they did help a lot. That being said, they are currently having a detrimental effect and I think Gaben has been more than properly rewarded.
It’s not the early 2000s, steam is bringing in massive amounts of cash and I’m tired of seeing an other indie company go under because Gaben wants another boat in the 9 figure range.
The government will never do anything if we aren’t vocal about it and the community is doing the opposite.
Ya well if it’s such a fucking low bar, it’s probably because they aren’t holding it up which is my point.
They do the absolute minimum, yet receive mountains of praise. Call me when he brings down the cut to something reasonable like 5% or just let’s dev choose what price they sell their games for on other platforms ffs.
Indie companies are closing left and right, these mega stores and their soft monopoly is having a net negative impact on the industry.
Stop defending billionaires. If steam was fair, he wouldn’t be able to afford a billion dollars worth of fancy boats.
Steam colludes with Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. It’s all one big club meant to extract as much profit as possible.
Steam could charge 2% and Gaben would still be able to afford the 75 to 100 million he spends every year to maintained his fleet of 6 mega yatchs, worth an estimated 1 billion.
Stop defending billionaires.
Lmao, he is colluding with the rest, not holding up the bar.
There is nothing rhat differentiates Steam from Microsoft or Nintendo. The only difference between Gaben and Bezos is that valve has a really good advertising team that’s managed to convince everyone he “isn’t your average billionaire”.
They charge 30% because they have a soft monopoly, it’s basically robbery and it is affecting the indie scene and the quality and amount of games we receive.
Gaben has 6 mega yatchs and a number of submarines. The yatchs alone are worth around 1 billion and cost an estimated 75 to 100 million per year just to maintain.
Now I sit and wait for the Gaben simp squad to come compare him to Jesus and tell me how “he has the only good monopoly”. Both of these things literally happened last time.
Downvote me you bootlickers.
Other companies didn’t pay the arbitration fee so valves system was a bit better than the rest. Realistically, the consumer always gets fucked.
The point is more that Steam is getting praised for this, while it’s just to make class action lawsuits, like the one they were just served with for their anti-competitive and monopolistic behaviors, much costlier for the other party.
You can use the same argument about Musk or Benzos as well. Clearly, they are over charging for the value or they wouldn’t be billionaires.
Steam could give the same value on 2% taken and Gaben would probably still be able to afford at least one of his 6 mega yatchs. But there’s indie companies that are struggling where just an extra 10% would go a long way.
In the end, Gaben and his friends greed is killing indie companies, affecting the quality and amount of games we get and is having a detrimental effect on the industry.
Yet because Gaben has a really good pr team and managed to convince everyone he’s “not your average billionaire”, we now have comments comparing him to Jesus and applauding his monopoly as being the only good one. Fucking hell.
There is no such thing as a good monopoly. He leverages a 30% tax on a huge chunk of the gaming industry. Steam, Microsoft, Epic, Sony and Nintendo all essentially participate in collusion and anti competitive behavior.
Think of all the indie studios that closed and sequels that got canceled and ask yourself if they could have made it if steam only took 5%.
They leveraged linux to save on development and maintenance costs. Capturing the handheld market at a tenth of the price while making the same profit isn’t altruisme.
At twelve disciples, that means he can give each pair one of his mega yatchs. I’m sure with a third of all gaming profit coming their way, the twelve of them will be able to afford the 100 million per year it costs to maintain the fleet worth around 1 billion.
He’s not Jesus, he is just a piece of shit billionaire like the rest.
In my experienced, it’s never used in a voting manner, it’s mostly to acknowledge and smiley faces (usually always from the same people). Serving the same propose isn’t the same as being tailored for that purpose. For instance, I don’t recall being able to order posts by amount of emoticons on teams although I don’t know if you can do this with Nintendo’s version, I’m just assuming. The actual bulletin part of teams where you can post things gets barely any use in my experience.
Tbh I’m not a big fan of teams in general. I don’t have much experience with slack though.
The colors and it looks like a child’s drawing, which is fun.