He was just a Fledditor. Living in a Lemmy woooorld.
I’m not well versed in how Denuvo works, only in how it tanks performance. Does anyone know if there is anything stopping Denuvo from checking purchase validity the first time, and on subsequent game launches it can access a secure folder with a file like an internet cookie saying “yeah, this game was bought legit at one point, let it run” and then not run alongside the game?
Ohh, that and local proximity chat or server chat is a touchy subject these days. I’d love to see more communication in games. The recent ping systems have been a good start, but having more character eexpression like in Mordhau or Chivalry 2 would be nice. Make your characters say things in R6 Siege would be particularly interesting.
That’s fair. I love the gunplay of Apex (and can ignore all the battlepass monetization) but I could never just goof around in that game like I could in Halo 3 multiplayer, Planetside2, or TF2. I often ended up back in the queue after matching with people with thousands more hours of expierience. The alternative gamemodes were the most fun because I got to have fun while losing, which is less of the focus in today’s shooters due to the super high skill ceilings. Competative games are mostly made with professional teams in mind now. That’s what I want a return to and why I like Helldivers 2 so much.
Hey, I don’t judge. I might only pirate media I’ve already bought (like when I couldn’t find my copy of a movie) but firmly agree with Gabe Newell that piracy is a service issue first and foremost. Additionally if you can’t own the game you buy I can’t view it as stealing. If there is a crack for Civ 7 or Dragons Dogma 2, I’ll probably buy a copy then get the cracked version for performance.
Far Cry 6, Nier: Replicant, RE Village, Hogwarts Legacy, etc. Source: https://gamerswiki.net/has-any-denuvo-game-been-cracked/
Edit: The first three games I listed came from the subreddit mentioned in the article.
I think his argument comes down to, don’t hate the playa, hate the game. Far better for them to have made the game, as it clearly is a good game. The publisher coming in and shitting all over everything is what makes the situation bad. Hopefully, this can serve as more inspiration for indie devs (who do make most of my fav games) and maybe lead to more studios not accepting Sony as a publisher. I can’t fault Arrowhead for wanting to make what they love, but I can hope Sony burns to the ground never to rise again.
Well, when the mod author specifically says it’s to reduce diversity as the goal of the mod I think we all have a chance to point out that is insensitive and comes from a place of hatred. Hatred is wrong. Let the people speak against it and let the website host what it wants. I care enough to spend two min to leave a comment here, but I’m not gonna be a reaction youtuber about it.
And you are more than likely to never play with the same people ever again forever. No community building, only community destruction.