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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: May 14, 2024


At this point I’m pretty sure being surprised at history repeating is a part of history that repeats

NVIDIA seems like the type of company to go the IBM route and come up with a system of tattoos…

This is how you radicalize actual children. It’s clear these people are completely oblivious to the fact that every 10 year old in the country knows among us and plays it. Actual children will see how completely absurd all of this is. I love this move. Go ahead, show the children how utterly out of touch the top is.

Haven and Hearth. It’s apparently a fairly old MMO, and I think I picked it up after it’s mostly dead, but it’s still a bit fun. The low population left in the game honestly might be saving me from grief while still learning the game.

It got the visuals, difficulty, and finality of Zomboid, but more of a rust style game play where you’re just a naked person with rocks and sticks building huts. I still don’t know fully what I’m doing, the goal is still just don’t die.

I’m in the same boat. I’ve made some headway but they weren’t kidding, it’s hard! I’m still struggling on new maps managing my time between building defenses and ramping up industry. I definitely prefer the part after finishing waves where I can relax and perfect my build.

I’m always happy to remind everyone that your childhood didn’t have minigames during loading screens because it was a patented game mechanic!

Original Xbox modding is fun as hell. You need to track down a 300GB PATA/IDE hard drive, then load the sucker up with ROMS. The modded OS comes with a built in FTP server so its pretty effortless to load up it with ROMs. Last I tried (like 10 years ago) Xbox reliably played roms from SNES and older, and could less than reliably but still successfully play N64 and PS1 games. I was even able to change CDs on FF7.

Man I want to mod an Xbox now. If I remember right, you need a copy of mech assault…

A sudden interest in cheating at pokemon go might benefit you. The majority of those spoof tools don’t modify the game, they convince your whole phone it’s somewhere else and the game goes along with it. It’s a constantly evolving cat and mouse game, so there’s a ton of tools that might not work for the game, but would still work fine for your purposes. I’d try the easiest method you find despite any warnings that it doesn’t work with pokemon go anymore.

Came here to say Zomboid!

Also, OP, dont be afraid to jump straight into mods. You dont have to fuss with a single file. Right from the start, inside the client, you can join modded multiplayer servers. The mods are automatically installed and applied then and there. Zero setup! I say this because a whole heap of mods are strictly quality of life and they really ease the learning curve.

However, picking and choosing your own mods for your own server is the headache you might expect. Let some saintly admin do all that work for you.