• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Its been like this for much longer too. I’m still mad they closed FASA game studio.

It’s worth mentioning this is deliberately worded to sound as bad as possible. Q2 is down from Q1 (it always is), and revenue is down but so are expenses as unprofitable stores are closed (remember when your local mall had two of them?)

The company was profitable in this last quarter, but only barely. There was an operational loss, but interest on the massive $4Bn war chest pushed it over. This isn’t great, but marks a real improvement over hemorrhaging money which it was doing before. Its also the first profitable Q2 in years. The year of 2023 turned a narrow profit and 2024 is on track to be a little better.

Hate GameStop all you want (and by all means, frequent your local indie game store). But keep in mind that business wise, someone still feels the need to spend money on ‘attack’ articles like this one.

Never played a Ys game, but I like falcom for some of Trails games I’ve played, and Gurumin. Anyone who played these recommend one to start with?

If you happen to stumble on the DS version, that is a pretty good port too.

I played without a guide, and I think I got stuck like that in a couple places later on but eventually got through it. Honestly though if you’re stuck and no longer having fun figuring it out just use a guide so you can see the rest of the game, nobody said you had to be that kind of patient gamer.

There’s still some rough edges but its honestly well worth your time.

Yes, it’s only on the Play Date, which is a $200 console aimed at kids. The gimmick is you can download a bunch of exclusive games for free, but its still a very low power console with one gimmick (the crank) which costs as much as a switch lite.

I haven't! But it is tempting me because JA2 sure was cool...

No, I didn't see any "pedos" in the thread, but all the upvotes comments were against the changes and i suspect that's who is being referred to.

Could just play the OG version too. PC version needs a couple tweaks to run well, but it will cost you peanuts. Whether it’s a better or worse experience than the remake is arguable.

Could just play the OG version too. PC version needs a couple tweaks to run well, but it will cost you peanuts. Whether it’s a better or worse experience than the remake is arguable.

If you’re interested in the topic, I recommend you give the paper itself a look, it’s pretty readable and not too dense.

Surveilling the Gamers: Analysis of in-game data gathering
Crazy to think that this stuff can potentially end up tied to your identity and used for advertising, or even (in theory) other purposes like credit worthiness or a job suitability assessment. "For example, a recently patented profiling method uses play traces to de- termine whether a user is frugal (e.g., indicated by saving in-game money even in the face of attractive spending options), fiscally responsible (e.g., indicated by investing carefully and focusing on strategically important purchases), or wasteful (e.g., indicated by taking financial risks, spending money quickly, and buying items not relevant to the goals of the game) [19]. The method also aims to evaluate whether a player is “trading-conscious”, i.e., fit for certain finan- cial trading products, and to detect an “eagerness to go after new products or services” based on how players develop their in-game character. Even non-financial aspects of a game can allow insights into a user’s money- management style. The above patent, for instance, proposes to assesses a user’s level of frugality based on ammunition expenditure patterns in first-person shooter games (e.g., rate at which bullets are fired, percentage of hits, pre- cision shots and controlled bursts vs. wasteful use of ammunition) or based on the user’s performance in driving games and flight simulators (e.g., aggressive driving, overspeed, crash frequency) [19]. Such links between gameplay and real-world spending behavior have also been reported in the scientific literature. Correlating the results of an online survey with log data from the popular sandbox video game Minecraft, for ex- ample, Canossa et al. [37] found that money-conscious players tend to build fewer sleeping accommodations for themselves and prefer to use cheap in-game materials, such as stone, sand, and iron instead of precious materials, such as diamond"

Wew, I’m glad we didn’t lose our chance at another good game out of this. I just hope they’ve retained their key staff. Sometimes when we see a disaster like this come out of EG Bioware, I think its because the name is the only thing left of the original game dev company.

Is there a community for older multiplayer games, specifically? What’s a blast from the past with a good community, or what’s a game with dead multiplayer you wish you could find people to organize a match for? My big one would be a Crimson Skies multiplayer. I never played classic CS multiplayer at all, and High Road to Revenge multiplayer died with original Xbox Live, but you might still be able to get a system link game going if you had enough friends and xboxes.