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Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


Good. There were like six PS5 only games when they released it so I hope it does terribly - if you’ve bought one, you’re an idiot.

“Let’s just bleed em even drier” said Sony, careful not to cut its own lip on its vampire fangs.

You sound like a fucking CEO.

“We ruined this whole game from the beginning by making this single player franchise into a live service and changed our mind half way through, so what we have is a poorly written story with bad characterisation, tokenism, generic combat that always feels exactly the same regardless of how you approach a fight and only three skills to equip for the whole damn game. Obviously nobody likes it because nobody cares about dragon age.”

FIFA is worse, are you kidding? Obviously, demonstrably worse. When in doubt, err on the side of the company that takes bribes from corrupt governments to decide where their event will be, so that government enrich its corrupt members by building a football stadium using literal slaves.

Every person I know of who’s played it said the actual shooter part was the only good part. Good gameplay, uninspired to crap everything else and, as you said, way too late and expensive to catch the Overwatch train.

Frankly, I liked the first trailer until I saw it was not just multiplayer only, but a hero shooter, making me as far from interested as it is possible to get.

I think the difference was that Ciri used her powers to reshape him rather than having him drink the decoctions that change a witchers body.

These pathetic conspiracy theories should’ve died out in the 90s.

I mean. No Russian didn’t glorify it at all. Didn’t even make you shoot.

I played both of these with my sister - I high recommend you do It Takes Two as well because it is way better. You can see the dev getting better as you go through their games, I’m very excited for their next one.

A giant catapulting you in Skyrim costs you only the time since your last save. I’m more than happy to accept consequences that make sense in any way.

I would love to be permanently hostile to grove guards, instead I’m stuck in a loop and have to murder my own companions.

I want crazy consequences, but they’re only satisfying when it’s something that was thought through and implemented. Something that actually makes sense. Sneaking around guards? Yes. Need to pass a persuasion/deception check? Yes? Halsin is a bit put off in conversation, or even decides not to accompany me or reward me? Absolutely.

An entire population of an area suddenly turning on a dime from praising me and giving me gifts because I saved their lives to suddenly trying to murder me because a known untrustworthy actor says I threatened them without so much as a speech check at my camp that I can’t avoid going to AND stopping me from resting beforehand, obviously not. I saved their lives like 15-20 game HOURS AFTER threatening the thief. They invited themselves to my camp to celebrate with me for rescuing every last one of them, and then tried to kill me when I show up. It’s nonsense, you must see how that’s very unsatisfying? It doesn’t even make sense in world.

Nobody thinks I’m wrong? I replied to a comment that said it’s intended behaviour. And it has completely derailed the character.

Once again I expected consequences I didn’t expect it to be completely bugged out and broken. I passed the persuasion check and had to do it again, and again, and again, until I failed, because once the dialogue closed my character was still in their sight. Every other time where you’re spotted somewhere you’re not supposed to be and you pass a persuasion check you’re either given access to the area or moved out of the area afterwards specifically to avoid this problem.

If you actually think it’s intended behaviour and not an oversight then I don’t know what to tell you, you’re obviously wrong, it’s the buggiest thing I’ve seen in the game - watching it happen looks obviously wrong. Note that every single person in the actual druids grove wasn’t hostile to me whatsoever. It was just some guards around the outside - after they let me in through the gate. Halsin, Vaghda, the dude Halsin sends you to for the rune reward, the Halsins assistant, the druids milling around around the statue, even the bears, none of them hostile. Then I travel to camp and suddenly they’re amongst thirty people trying to kill me.

How about “I didn’t do that, she’s a thief and a liar by reputation” as a deception check, since that’s literally who she is and she stole from me early in the game and I was just trying to get it back? How about just conforming to how these same checks work in the rest of the game?

Or how about not suddenly turning every single person at my camp where I have to go to rest hostile on the word of a known thief and liar after I’ve just saved every single person there? That’s why they’re there, to celebrate me saving their lives. They all merrily made their way all the way to my camp to celebrate me, sat there drinking and chatting with my party members, then when I turn up every last one of them and my own party members turns hostile and tries to kill me. On the word of someone who cons and steals from people on their way into a druid grove.

It couldn’t be clearer that the way these consequences appear don’t make sense.

All this because I dared to suggest one miniscule part of a game I love, have spent 250 hours playing, and have described as amazing, phenomenal, and a masterpiece, was a bit broken.

Broken my feelings? Dude this clearly isn’t the intended behaviour and therefore is a big and it’s completely derailed the role I was playing.

Hold it against them? It’s just criticism of a broken bit of their phenomenal game. I started out by specifically saying it’s amazing but not perfect, with this example. It’s ok to criticise things you like, you know.

It’s something that it lets you do and the consequence for it is the easily the most broken part of the game. It’s obviously not been thought through or set up properly and it’s an incredibly poor thing to be there at all, never mind years after release.

Not “having” to do something has no bearing on whether or not that thing is broken. When this happens, it feels broken, like a really serious bug. It repeats a conversation indefinitely, it’s very clearly not intentional, especially considering moments earlier I was chatting to Halsin in the grove and he was very complimentary due to me saving his life, stopping a shadow druid from fucking over innocents, and saving the entire grove. But because I threatened a thief and gained the check the whole quest line for the first act is fucked AFTER I did ask the work.

And like I said I’ve completely wiped out so the goblins and already made it to camp to celebrate. But instead they all want to kill me. I was specifically aiming to get Halsin in my party this time round but can’t now and I found out 40 hours in.

A while ago I started a Dark Urge paladin who immediately broke his oath upon reaching Gale. Shortly after I ran into Mol who I think I failed in intimidation check against if I remember right. She said she’d tell the guards I was threatening children.

I wandered off and did all the rest of act 1, found Halsin, wiped out the goblins and leaders, etc, and when I got back to the grove if any guard saw me it’d trigger a dialogue where I had to talk my way out of it or they’d attack me because of Mol. Thing is, I talked my way out of it, but it didn’t move my character after the dialogue so it’d just trigger again on a loop forever.

I used Astarion to turn my PC invisible to get around this, talked to Halsin who didn’t seen to mind, received rewards, thought I’d subverted it. Then I went to camp for the end of act one celebration and, yep, the gurds did the same thing there as well. Except now they’re all together on my camp and every single other character that was there but the four in my party was on their side. That’s Halsin, Laezel, Shadowheart, and every single thiefling and guard against my unrested party.

Broken. Do NOT mess with Mol.

As phenomenally good as Baldurs Gate 3 is, it’s not perfect. I lost an entire character at the very end of act one because I pissed off Mol lately.

Yes but my point was clearly that a developer wouldn’t say it would be mediocre and that the post is a waste of time.

“Actually we are aiming for ‘barely passable’ with our new product”

  • no dev ever.

A market is not a resource. It’s not coal in the ground that Valve came along, dug up, and provides to people for a fee. They built the whole market, it’s theirs, and they built it when there were no guidelines or examples to follow either. If you want your game on there it requires a mutual benefit because if only the game makers benefit then there won’t be a market anymore due to no doubt astronomical costs of servers, development, moderation, etc. If there were no charges there’d be no market and publishers would have to sell their games on the remaining markets which, at the time of Steam’s creation, was nowhere and even now is multiple inferior places.

I think you need to carefully read the quotes you just posted because they disagree with what you’re saying.

Give Control a shot, it’s one of my favourites games for ages due its story and whilst it’s creepy, it’s not really horror exactly and it is much more action oriented. I don’t recall any jump scares either, though it has been a while.

I got two controllers with my PS5. Two months later they had both been replaced.

Yeah his death (if I remember right) was when I realised that, yes, they have completely fucked this entire story up. He could’ve been interesting but they such with the utter shite that was tyreen.

It’s a free to play live service game, what were you even expecting?

Wel the other day I was being stalked by a Mirelurk queen that had turned invisible so maybe you got lucky, eh?

Yep. “Oh look a cool sounding game I’ll literally never ever play.”

This is Bethesda. Either they rush and it releases riddled with bugs or they don’t rush and it still releases riddled with bugs.

I’ve never had so much interest evaporate so quickly, I’m still sad I won’t be playing the rest of the game. What a fuck up.

God, I was absolutely loving Observer until I hit the generic “helpless whilst instakill monster hunts you, hide and run” bullshit started. Ruined the whole game for me.

I wouldn’t put Cillian Murphy even close to the same level as Keanu, who is universally recognised simply by his first name.

Vaas is the best FC villain, but then he dies in a quick time even (if I remember right?) before the end and you’re stuck with someone poor. Pagan Min was engaging enough and that game had the coolest setting and an amazing hand crossbow. FC5’s villains really worked for me, so I prefer those. The perfect FarcFry is, in fact, a combination of elements from these games, modernised. Instead Ubi is homogenising it into Assassin’s Cry.

This is stupid but thanks for working on those games, I love all of them. You didn’t work on 6? So you left and the series instantly fell apart? Clearly they should’ve kept you on!

You’re saying this like the reason everyone was pissed off about cyberpunk was because of anything other than it not being finished. STILL.