Captain Poofter

Hi, there!


I was born in 1989, so I am an ancient grandpa and demand respect for my lawn. (/s ya right like I own a house)

(P.s. I am not a sexy hairy ripped daddy bear, but I do own a cat named Tammy 🐈‍⬛)

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I spent 20$ on the last game i played, and put over 140 hours into it. Just saying.

I’ve only met one person in my entire life who has liked these.

Same. I beat that entire game and put at least 40 hours into it I’m sure, and I couldn’t tell you a single plot point. It’s been a few years for sure, but I haven’t played Mass effect in like a decade and I could tell you the entire story from beginning to end.

I have sunk so much time into Voices of the Void it’s honestly crazy

I didn’t like it, myself. I played through to the end and found it incredibly tedious for what you got out of the story, which was basically just a tale about a macguffin in the ocean with sea monsters. The biggest complaint was how painful they made navigating the memory scenes. Every time you want to do anything, you first gotta backtrack all over the ship and you gotta wait through these intro and outro cutscenes and music, and it got old very fast for me. I also got tired of the entire gimmick about 25% in, as there is no variation to the puzzles in the game, they are all set up the same—try to identify people based on surroundings and descriptions, 60+ times. The art direction was really impressive at first, but quickly became dull to me around the time the gimmick started the wear thin.

Tl;dr: it’s admittedly a very creative take on a mystery game, but unfortunately playing through to the end is tedious and lacks needed QoL features.

Okay, you got me! Hi-fi Rush is a masterpiece of perfection, the others that upvoted my OP are definitely wrong too, and any criticism ever considered by a player is just incorrect, because a lot of people loved it, and things a lot of people love are always perfect.

So sorry for the confusion! Have a good weekend!

Just because things are highly beloved does not mean they aren’t flawed and couldn’t use improvements. Starfield has an 83 on metacritic. Life is Strange an 85. As of right now, only 190 people are playing Hi Fi Rush on Steam. 204 are currently playing Bayonetta, for comparison. I never said the game was a trainwreck or totally unenjoyable, i said i believed it could have been even better if they paid attention to criticisms that put off the people who didn’t enjoy it.

Edit: also just looking at the percentages on the global steam achievements and most people do not even see the ending for a 9 hour game. The achievement for beating it on normal difficulty is …16%.

I’m glad you liked it, but the two camps are definitely “this game is a masterpiece” and “this game combat is overbloated and feels sloppy”. Just check the negative steam reviews, they eco similar sentiments to each other

This game was only good for 4-5 hours, imo. Hi-fi rush was a refreshing concept that attracted attention because it stood out in a sea of similar looking titles that the mainstream has become. But they didn’t follow through on the player feedback for such a creative leap in gameplay. It really shows when they start piling on new gameplay mechanics, and combat stops being fun and becomes a mess of awkward controls and spazzy cameras and frustrating vertically-aligned jumping.

No idea why you got downvoted for being so right, the guy makes schlock

I’m disappointed there will be a subnautica 2. I thought below zero basically ruined the lore of the planet and architects for me. Imo, the planet is done. I don’t care about what happens there anymore. The architects are no longer mysterious or interesting to me after

Tap for spoiler

having one in my head and literally building one

. I think it’s a huge shame the team is cash grabbing a third entry as opposed to starting a new unrelated title in the same genre.

I realize I’m probably in the minority, good thing down votes don’t matter here.

I never really understood how BioShock got this tag. What about it is an immersive SIM exactly? Bioshock is a linear first person shooter action/stealth game. There’s no other mechanics. You don’t have to survive in any way with food or water. There’s no deep mechanic specific to the world that you need to tend to and maintain. Literally the only thing that comes even close to being that sort of mechanic is the hacking? Is it an immersive sim simply because you can hack things and lock pick? Because I do those things in Nancy Drew games as well, but I’m pretty sure those are just point and click adventure games. I think BioShock is an amazing atmospheric first shooter RPG, but I’ve never understood how people think of it as an immersive simulator.

They don’t sell? I was an older teenager when BioShock 1 came out, and people LOVED shooters? Wtf were they talking about? QUAKE?? Everyone was playing cod or half life 2. Fps was a successful genre already, both single player campaigns and multiplayer. i really don’t get this quote.

Nothing in your response was telling me about the game. All you said is that the game is old and that game’s change over time. Not helpful. P.s. I DID try playing it when it was new.

I’ve been playing video games for about 30 years and this is hands down one of the best games I’ve ever played.

Edit: other noteworthy mentions - outer wilds, the original ps2 amplitude, and NieR Automata are some other stand out masterpieces of my life.

I have been playing video games for 30 years. Thank you so much for telling me about video games.

Can you give me some quick teaser spoilers or something to reignite my interest? I’ve tried to start this game 3 times and every time i fall off cuz it feels like a clunky Dreamworks movie game

I don’t like Nintendo. They used to innovate. Now they’ve been riding the same cash cows for decades. Even the breathe of the wild literally just took the popular gameplay mechanics at the time and threw them into the formula (all the games are open world with crafting now! Lets do that!)

2024 nintendo is 2 things: safe, and money hungry.

The ps2 had THE BEST library of any console, even to this day. I am still learning about random hiddem gems ive never heard of on it, and I’ve been gaming for 25 years

Tbh, the game wasn’t even that good. After the first 5-6 hours most people put it down. It just becomes frustrating and not fun.

Oh so Cities II is better than 1 across the board? And the Hobbit movies were better than lotr? I feel like you’re being a tad naive.

So you think they’ve been making entirely new games for their entire existence? You don’t think it’s conny at all that literally all they do is make city builders and sell DLCs and then make a new one when interest dries up? Doesn’t seem very creative or innovative in my opinion it sounds like pure capitalism. Publisher is a microcosm EA.

Oh! Wow I actually don’t know, I played it off of Game Pass and didn’t even think about it.

Edit: yes Google says it does have denuvo. What a shame, hopefully it gets cracked. In the meantime I suggest game pass! Could easily beat it on a month, and cheaper than buying the copy

This team has been making the exact same game for multiple decades. Look at this developer’s game history. It is literally the same exact game redeveloped over and over every few years and then they repackage and resell the same DLCs for the new versions. What a con of a game dev.

I literally cannot believe they actually finished it. I played up until the secrets of mana dungeon like a decade ago and that was all they had at the time. I had long since figured this game would never see 1.0 after so many years of them seemingly only pushing arcade mode updates, which i could care less about. Happy to FINALLY be able to play! Great couch co op pixel combat 👌👌

Without any spoilers, i thought the overall message of the game was VERY anti-russia. But you really need both ends to get the full picture.

Subnautica gets a 9/10. Fallout 2 and 3, if we’re specifically going RPGs. NieR: Automata for action RPGs. Look at Persona for school influenced RPGs. I’d have geeked out so hard if we got even Persona-style class experiences in Hogwarts Legacy. Instead, all we get is completely contextless montage cutscenes.

I’m playing this game right now and it’s honestly a six out of 10. The only reason to launch the game at all is because of the world design which is top notch. So top notch it scores all of those six points, because the plot characters story and gameplay are all a let down otherwise. This is the type of game that will disable the controls for your magical flying broom and then tell you that you need to climb a wall. I wish it wasn’t so successful so they didn’t think this formula was so good, because if they made the game actually good AND a Harry Potter property, that would have really been something special. But as it is now, it’s just an uninspired video game painted in a pretty coat of a popular franchise. I’m sure we’ll get a sequel.

Atomic Heart. DAMN this games good!! I know it won the steam award for visuals, but it feels like no one is playing this thing? I’m a little ways before the end of it, but it’s already rocketed up to the levels of Prey or Titanfall 2 or the bioshocks for me.

Wtf are you talking about you senile dipshit

I thought the first few hours were fun. Then i got very bored and frustrated. Uninstalled it. Won’t ever beat it.

Yes…shark fin soup…a recipe you have to hunt for, cook, and serve in the game.

And they certainly are inherently more risky than other fish because of their slow reproduction cycle. That’s why sharks are endangered, and tuna are still doing ok.

The combat killed the entire game for me. I ended up using WeMod.