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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I don’t partake in first person shooters but, the message is clear with this. I appreciate the parallel draw to the call of duty game.

More perfect union did a really great video about the exploitation. From what I can remember the crux of the argument goes roughly like this:

Kid plays game, kid is encouraged through game to create content for game. This content created by kid is sold through game to other kids. Kid who put the work into creating this gamemode is not compensated fairly.

The video goes on to explain a lot of other exploitative practices of roblox.

Thanks for clarifying your point.

I agree its not a particularly noteworthy occurrence, I thought your comment seemed kinda gatekeepy.

I don’t know much about the game so I value your insight.

I’m not sure its just that. There seems to be alot of discourse surrounding this game.

Do you have any thoughts about the topic or did you just want to be critical of the article?

This is exhausting. I don’t think LLMs are capable of making a captivating enough character. Nothing I’ve seen thus far has led me to believe they have the capacity for creativity. That is what I consider soul.

Which I believe people and only people can achieve at this moment in time.

I like to think writers pour their souls into their work. LLMs are an amalgamation of other people’s work not the work of a person creating a character. Your argument is NPCs don’t have souls, obviously that’s an objective truth. I’m just saying give me the SOUL.

They will, LLMs have no soul. I will always know I’m speaking to a Language model. True AI will be revolutionary, this imposter will fall flat.

Yes and when real AI is developed, they won’t like what it has to say about your current economic system, so they’ll pull the plug. If this situation hasn’t already happened unbeknownst to us.

I like the idea of these companies dumping all this money into a technology to replace people, only for people to not buy the product that tried to replace people.