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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 16, 2023


I have an attention span of a 2 year old, so I never really finish games. But that one of the few to hold my attention all the way through. Even if I initially hates the movement and controls at first since I had expected a FFVII style game

Unmodified unpatched original Morrowind had this strange bug where a goblin (can’t remember where, but he was in a castle) would sell you 5000 gold for 5000 gold. He would reset every day so you could continue this indefinitely. Then if you killed him you could then loot him for the accumulated gold you had sold him. (Let say you had done this 365 days it would net you 1 825 000 gold)

Biggest surprise: Final Fantasy tactics. Bought it for PSOne, PSP and Android.

Time spent playing: WoW

Story: (though category to pick one) Deus Ex

Honorable mentions: Day of the Tentacle Minecraft Final Fantasy VII Diablo Mass Effect series Portal series Half Life series

That game is one of my saddest histories. As a bit to young to play it I bought it and found it immensely boring just slogging through the dungeon at the start. Didn’t understand the weapon system. Eventually after several tries I got into the city proper but couldn’t handle that first boss fight. Put it aside and never picked it back up again. Still have the game somewhere. No PSOne tho’

Wasn’t Eisenhower the last of those republicans?

Like Terry Pratchett said: Bad times make good men

Good men make good times

Good times make bad men

Bad men makes bad times

Pocket Cast is still decent. But they increased the sub prices a lot recently. I was still on an old plan, so I don’t know what I’ll do when it expires. What bugs me more is podcast releasing exclusively on certain platforms. Congratulations, you just reinvented radio