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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 14, 2024


That’s really weird. Have you tried if it’s something as simple as the cable? You could also try using wireless adb if you can’t get it to work over the cable at all. I also always use wireless adb, it still allows Android Studio (or in my case VS Code) to automatically install it on your device but I find it a lot easier anyways because it just connects automatically and you don’t have to plug anything in first.

Yeah but sometimes stuff like this works even if it seems to make no sense. If both of your devices are on the same wifi, maybe you can just use something to transfer it using that like KDE Connect. If you don’t want to install anything, you could even try using SSH.

Is /sdcard really the correct path? Maybe try /storage/emulated/0? That’s the internal storage

Wait, you guys sleep? That’s such a waste of time that I could spend scrolling TikTok instead

I download almost everything from F-Droid (I also use Droid-ify). I just use Obtainium for the 3 open source apps that aren’t on F-Droid.

That’s really nice of you to do. I already own some of these games and the others I probably wouldn’t play anyway tho (except for The Outer Worlds but someone else was already faster haha).

I don’t use glide typing, so I didn’t even notice that 😅

But text prediction and glide typing are being rewritten from the ground up currently, so it’ll be there eventually

I use Florisboard Beta with the FloriStyle theme (It’s a Gboard theme). The only thing I really miss with it is text predictions but they’re still working on that and it’s not that big of a deal.

I might install it again too, I haven’t played since the second week or so after it released. I currently have my hands full with Satisfactory tho.

I really enjoyed it the first one or two weeks but after I basically finished all the content it was just a grind for primogens and I stopped playing 😕

Whaaaaat…? In a time of economic struggles, companies would rather support fascists than risk letting socialism take over? This certainly never happened before, especially not in Germany.

Is that also how custom ROMs like LineageOS do it? My phone (Nothing Phone 1) isn’t supported anymore and it has really annoying issues that I’d like to fix by becoming the maintainer for that ROM but I have no idea how that whole thing works and where to find how to do this.

A Minecraft Earth using this would be fucking awesome, maybe I’ll get around to making it one day

Two best ones IMO are Lawnchair and Kvaesitso. I use the latter. Lawnchair works more like any normal launcher while Kvaesitso is more unique in the way it works.

I can at least tell you that Mihon will work just fine, it’s a FOSS app but sadly not available on F-Droid

Doesn’t this require the devices to be connected to the same wifi?

Edit: OP already replied so nvm

I use LineageOS + microG and the Sparkasse app works at least

But we do have to choose, there’s only so much money available. Of course nuclear is better than fossil fuels but there’s just no point in wasting all that money on it that could have instead gone into renewables. I also don’t get your argument about the quantity of energy needed because that was exactly my point, with a set amount of money, you get way more energy out of renewables than fossil fuels. And building renewables is way faster than building nuclear power plants. It takes 15 years, at best, to build a nuclear power plant.

Here’s a chart of the cost of different energy sources from wikipedia:

Here’s how Germany is doing after shutting down all nuclear power plants.

Here you can see how fast Germany is currently building renewable energy, so apparently it is possible to it this fast.

France is a country that uses a lot of nuclear power. Here’s an article that shows how expensive that is.

Nuclear is expensice as shit tho, you can get way more energy from renewables with that money

You should be able to control every music streaming app from the desktop notification if you use KDE Connect. I use Tidal nowadays, which isn’t open source but it’s a very good streaming service. It normally costs 11€/month but the family plan is 17€/month for up to 6 people. Even if you only have 2 people in the plan it’s a lot cheaper than the individual plan or Spotify.

Piped also has support for accounts and LibreTube supports that too. Really nice to have your subscriptions and playlists synchronized between your devices.

From what I heard, they didn’t pay that themselves but they filed bankrupcy or something so the government payed it for them

“Our service is totally different from the rest! The others are free but ours you have to pay for.”

Google shutting down a service?! That’s a new one. I would have never expected that.

That sounds like an issue with your Android ROM, it might be killing apps as soon as you switch to another one. I don’t have this issue.

You can replace DLSS 3 with FSR 3 with a mod but yeah, it’s weird that so few games officially support it

To make matters worse, many Chinese devices just kill everything in the background that’s not on a hard coded whitelist.

Looking at Xiaomi’s Miui here. My last phone was a Xiaomi one and it was great. It didn’t take long for me to install LineageOS on it tho because Miui is horrible. It killed every app you had opened the second you switched to another one. Things like email verification codes were literally impossible to enter into an app because when you went into your mail app, copied the code and then went back into the app you wanted to enter it in, that app would have to start up again because it was already killed in the background.

Also, Miui itself used up like half my RAM without anything being opened and it was buggy as hell.

it has stupid things like weekdays sorted alphabetically

Holy shit, that’s stupid. Why would you even do this in the first place?! I can’t comprehend how anyone could come to the conclusion that that’s a good way to sort it.

If you want to watch YouTube in a more privacy friendly way and without an account, there’s also LibreTube