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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


You were okay with the child labor, forced 24 hour shifts, brothels, etc but draw the line at the tavern?

It’s possible (and common) to win without alcohol, but in some cases you’d be handicapping yourself.

Guess you couldn’t get into Frostpunk either if doing objectionable things in a game is a showstopper for you.

Leveling systems come from pen and paper D&D, which was inspired from wargames where units gain experience.

Yes, theoretically Itch could sue them for lost revenue. Brandshield should be very afraid of Funko getting sued since getting your client sued can’t look good

I did it for the original Killing Floor because they had class features locked behind achievements.

You can use certain programs to give yourself achievements. Could be that

I want to like it but every time I try it I bounce off it.

They had a free weekend and I was enjoying it until all of the story stuff back at the base. I typically like that kind of stuff but there was way too much of it.

Killed future updates that were being done by a different developer because they thought it would compete with this game.

Is this going to play anything like Origins?

I thought the game was pretty dull. Too much slowly walking/riding in what’s basically an interactive cutscene

Inter-run progression was not in Rogue and is a modern concept. And arguably anti-roguelike

I used to play this with my dad. I always kind of thought it was something he made up but “has been played on US naval and marine ships since the early 1900s.” tracks because he was in the navy.

Prison Architect predates Rimworld. Rimworld got shit for “copying” PA when it first came out.

See the FAQ for the Rimworld Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tynansylvester/rimworld/description

It looks a lot like Prison Architect. What’s up with that?

Blame my (Tynan’s) lack of art skill - especially with characters. I made the character art you see in the trailer as a stopgap, and borrowed the Prison Architect style because I’m not a good enough artist to develop a new one. They were never intended to be final. With this Kickstarter, we’ll be able to get a real artist who can sit down and develop an original style for RimWorld.

I’ve talked with the original Prison Architect artist, Ryan Sumo, and he’s fully supportive of RimWorld. We didn’t share any art or code with the PA guys.

Maybe it should have had an amazing soundtrack like The last of Us

Good luck with that. It has some pretty difficult puzzles

Yes you are making an unreasonable complaint. You’re complaining that the story doesn’t include one particular niche element of interest to you and comparing it to having shit thrown in your face.

This is the weirdest complaint until you realize OP is from yiffit.net

He was forced out (maybe?) of the company he was a key member of. He and his former company have thrown a LOT of mud at each other since then, mostly about claims of Alexis being an abusive jackass or sexual harasser, while he claims the reverse and that they’re running hit pieces on him. There’s been so much back and forth that it’s hard to make heads or tails of any of it. And none of it turned into a legal matter so never progressed past “he said she said”.

Interested to see how this does after all the drama between the Alexis Kennedy and Failbetter.

Tried it when they had a free weekend shortly before release. They added these awful segments where you drive a stage coach like it’s Skiifree between locations. The rest of it seemed pretty good and the art style looks great.

It is service, which I agree is really shitty and shouldn’t be a thing. You’re buying access to a game, not a copy of the game.

Also you can steal services. For example imagine hacking the payment panel on an automated carwash so you don’t have to pay.