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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


More mindless procedural generation sold as “content”

Just more procedurally generated and boring as fuck “new planets”

This is my number one request for being AI to games, it would be so awesome for immersion like you say

if it means I don’t lock myself into yet one more corporate ecosystem

Nobody is forcing you to use DLSS, every single game I’ve played that utilizes it it is optional and there are alternatives like FSR, XeSS, etc.

if you really feel that strongly stop using anything remotely associated with nvidia altogether since it’s such an unescapable corpo ecosystem otherwise. I’m sure you’re just as willing to cut all of that out just so you aren’t faced with the horrors of DLSS and cOrPoRaTE ecosystems lmao.

Stop trying to sound like a victim, you are taking technology and blaming it and condemning its existence because it is misused by lazy devs.

I also enjoyed the Cal Kestis games more than I did playing outlaws, but outlaws is still a great game that really has that authentic Star Wars feel.

PLEASE be good, stay faithful to the series’ core storyline, bonus points if we get Alloy/Seyka romance subplot

If you enjoy milsim games, I highly recommend GZW. Yes it’s pre-alpha but they ran out of money and were forced to go early access. They’ve since dropped a major update since that early access launch and me and my buddy have been having a blast.

This isn’t a run around and shoot people game like call of duty, the devs want this game to be very realistic and tactical. You can have a lot of fun with the right mindset both with friends and solo. The discord and community in general are usually quite welcoming so you could find fireteam members that way too.

So if that’s true then why did nobody buy Callisto protocol then? If it’s not about deadspace but instead about EA being greedy, then why did one of the original deadspace devs go and make their own legally distinct version of deadspace with a big budget and a brand new studio — just to see it fall on its face and fail?

Maybe the market isn’t interested at the moment as they’ve already turned their nose up at DS remakes from EA as well as spiritual successors from the original DS devs??

Oh, but EA can’t market add-on content? As if DLC story and new modes doesn’t exist?? You seriously think EA is incapable of developing DLC and charging money for it???

They kinda did, and the person you replied to mentioned it — Callisto protocol

given the budget was like 160 mil, not exactly Indy but:

“The Callisto Protocol was a brand-new IP from a newly established studio, but he game received mixed reviews from critics, which may have affected its appeal to players. The PC version of the game was plagued by performance problems at launch, which may have deterred some players.”

True but even the original creator made a legally distinct game that was essentially deadspace and it didn’t sell well either…

Is it a problem with EA or with the IP (or state of the market for the moment) if it doesn’t do well with and without EA?

It’s an old series that has already tried remakes that failed and the original creator went and made their own deadspace but as a totally distinct IP and it too did not sell well….

But yes, EA can’t manipulate kids into gambling so that is totally the reason why they aren’t renewing the series…. Yeah it’s about tricking children into to gambling and totally not investing in something the market has clearly shown to be not interested in at the moment.

Lastly, yeah, EA is a piece of shit for using mtx and the like to trick people in general into chasing bullshit, but I think it doesn’t help anyone to regurgitate unrelated claims whenever possible.

When they’re pushing lootboxes into kid games, then cry about it there. This has nothing to do with that.

People are sick of remakes, remasters and endless sequels over original content, so EA says okay (given that their last deadspace was a remake that didn’t sell well), and now we have the other side of the pendulum where everyone’s up in arms because they didn’t renew an existing series that has seen a long term drop in interest and revenue….

Why is anybody even remotely surprised

Honestly it’s quite good even at launch, but yeah the patches have made it better

Same with simulators in general like flight/military/factory/etc

I actually played a fuck ton of new games and early access beta tests this year (34% of all playtime according to steam replay)

Sony has been screaming the exact opposite of this and it continues to garner them a fuck ton of cash. You don’t even need Sony money to do it, as per Baldurs gate that many are also referencing here in the comments.

There’s no way they actually believe that, the C-suite simply can’t stop salivating over the potential money a live service game can potentially provide

2.5 games of geralt? Just fine! 0.5 games as ciri? BoRiNg!!!

Yes ciri “existed” in the previous games but we never saw her and we never played as her until the Wild Hunt.

You’re the one taking it to gooner/sexist territory, us fans of the series know the characters and when the overall face-shape changes but keeps defining features like the scar on her cheek, it’s a little unexpected and strange at first.

I agree.

As someone else pointed out, Geralt looked quite different in the game vs the first cinematic launch trailer.


So who knows, time will tell. Also keep in mind it’s a new engine

Yes of course there is more slop, but there are also SO FUCKING MANY indie and early access projects these days that are accomplishing a lot of what used to be out of reach for small indie devs.

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We are in a indie golden age and here you are calling it all slop lol

Yeah but the doesn’t make OP wrong, the devs said in 2016 that sq42 was essentially down and needed some final polish and now we learn it won’t be ready till 2026.

Safe bet squadron 42 will miss yet another promised date

Did those games you’re talking about take gamers money first, and then subsequently failed to release much of anything for the next thirteen years?

Kinda sorta not the same at all.

Yes, because the problem is the OS it runs on and not that the devs can do nothing but lie.

Squadron 42 was nearly complete and needed polish in 2023 and now we learn a year later it’s delayed till 2026.

Just like the game itself started production in 2011 and has since missed date after date after date and produced an expensive and constantly broken tech demo mess.

But yeah if only it were on Linux and has nothing to do with the misuse of funds and said broken promises

They said it was nearly complete in 2016, so that makes sense to be honest. I don’t know why everyone is bitching about this.

Surely nearly every other game in existence has also required ten years of polishing after development is finished!!

Yeah because everyone knows once a company drops LTS the software becomes completely unusable!!!

I’ve literally had zero bugs while playing, have you? Other commenters seem to agree with my experience as well. Have you even played the game?

Would you look at that yet another anti Mozilla post in this community. Go ahead and scroll thru the posts and you’ll find at least 4 from the last week or two alone

Not surprised, this community is terrible for actual technology need and discussion

Please do, that email will totally change everything