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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I don’t remember if it was on sale, but I got 10 Dead Doves on a whim and I’m not dissapointed so far.

Happens to me almost every month. Good thing I didn’t quit my day job.

I don’t typically go for racing games, but I have fond memories of playing Extreme-G on the N64. It had wepons, high speeds, and a soundtrack that tricked a young me into thinking I might like techno music.

I didn’t migrate yet because I was five years into a project that I can only work on in my spare time, but you can bet that if I ever start another game, I’m looking at a different engine.

I got myself mildly addicted to Mindustry. Wiping out enemy bases can be pretty satisfying.

I think this is the only thread where I actually haven’t seen any of the games before.

Another game I enjoyed was The Eternal Castle (remastered). It’s a remake of a game from 1987. The animation is great and the visual style is really cool.

I always like to give a mention to Your Spider. There are very few reviews (one of which are mine), but the game definitely deserves more attention.

I liked the music in La-Mulana 1&2.

I haven’t played The Outer Worlds, but the screenshots look to me like just a regular old sci-fi game (not necessarily a bad thing though).

But Outer Wilds actually impressed me. If you plan to play it, don’t watch any gameplay videos. Go into it with zero expectations.

That’s how I felt after finishing Outer Wilds.

I was browsing the list of games last night. There are so many that you can just scroll for hours.

Yes. It seemed pretty standard at first, but I ended up enjoying it quite a bit.

This reminds me of 8Doors: Arum’s Afterlife. I’ll definitely want to check this out.

I feel like people must be tired of me recommending the same few games (you know, if anyone cared enough to read all my comments), but I’m the type of guy who is pretty much only interested in finding the more hidden gems, and I generally ignore the stuff that keeps showing up on the front page of Steam.

  • The Upturned - A cartoony horror-comedy game with a great sense of humor.
  • Withering Rooms - The story is interesting and the atmosphere is great.
  • Your Spider - This one is possibly my favorite indie horror game.
  • Exanima - Read about the features. This one is more impressive than the screenshots make it look (at least for me).
  • Lunacid - I love the visual style and atmosphere of this. I also enjoyed Lost in Vivo by the same developer.
  • Praey for the Gods - This one is for anyone who’s looking for more games like Shadow of the Collossus.
  • 8Doors: Arum’s Afterlife - This is a decent metroidvania with a charming story. If you enjoyed Hollow Knight, then you may also enjoy this.

There’s a lot of people who seem to expect games to keep getting updated. Growing up, if I bought a game (with my mom’s money of course), that game was complete, for better or worse.

Now kids seem get upset because I don’t want to add new characters to a shitty little game I released 5 years ago.

I’ll second this. I finished playing it the other week.

It’s a singleplayer game, but seems like it would be fun for two people to discuss all the clues together.

I’d love to try it, but I don’t want to buy yet another console. If I could play it on Steam Deck, that would be ideal.

I have only the vaguest memory of something on what I think was the Atari, but I’m not even sure if we ever actually owned that console. I think the first game I actually remember playing was Super Mario Bros, on the cartridge that also had Duck Hunt.

I’ve mentioned these before and I’ll do it again:

  • Exanima - Read about the features. This one is more impressive than the screenshots make it look (at least for me).
  • Lunacid - I love the visual style and atmosphere of this. I also enjoyed Lost in Vivo by the same developer.
  • Praey for the Gods - This one is for anyone who’s looking for more games like Shadow of the Collossus.
  • The Upturned - A cartoony horror-comedy game with a great sense of humor.
  • Withering Rooms - The story is interesting and the atmosphere is great.
  • Your Spider - This one is possibly my favorite indie horror game.

I haven’t bought a Ubisoft game since Farcry 3 when a friend invited me to join an online game (which is something I very rarely had the opportunity to do) but the game wouldn’t let me play because I didn’t have that subcription thing they had. I tried using the free signup code that came with the game, but my brother already used it. So yeah, I have a personal grudge against that shitty company.

Also, I hate what they did to the Rainbow Six franchise. The original games (by Red Storm, I think?) are what those games should’ve been.

Might be doable with Android, but I think Apple still doesn’t allow installing apps outside of their own store.

I think I beat it once, but only after a shitload of save scumming.

I’m nearing the end of El Paso, Elsewhere. It’s a pretty cool game. The story is better than I expected.

As someone who released a game on Steam, I had no idea what to put in as the minimum requirements. I basically said “screw it” and put in the specs of the PC I started developing it on because I had no way to test it on anything else.

Ooh, this is my favorite topic to discuss! But I’ll keep this short because it’s late and I should be asleep by now).

  • Exanima - Read about the features. This one is more impressive than the screenshots make it look (at least for me).
  • Lunacid - I love the visual style and atmosphere of this. I also enjoyed Lost in Vivo by the same developer.
  • Praey for the Gods - This one is for anyone who’s looking for more games like Shadow of the Collossus.
  • The Upturned - A cartoony horror-comedy game with a great sense of humor.
  • Withering Rooms - The story is interesting and the atmosphere is great.
  • Your Spider - This one is possibly my favorite indie horror game.

I just started playing Exanima again after they released a big update. This game can take a little while to get used to, but it’s totally worth it. The physics-based movement is unique and the combat is fun. The enemies acts more sentient than than those in other games, and the early-game ones sometimes choose not to attack if you don’t act threatening toward them.

Read about the the features though. There’s a reason that this game has my second longest total playing time on Steam.

Have you played La-Mulana or the sequel?

It’s full of insane puzzles and traps, but it’s a great metroidvania with some great music. It’s one of my all time favorites.

I used to like the music in some of the Mega Man games.

It’s not really a survival game. More of an exploration puzzle game. It doesn’t explicitly tell you where to go or what to do. You’re pretty much on your own to find clues and figure out what happened and how to end the time loop you’re stuck in. It really is a fascinating game. I haven’t played anything else quite like it.

The Looker was a funny parody of The Witness. Made me laugh.

I feel this way about so many indie games.

  • Praey for the Gods - Obviously inspired by the classic, Shadow of the Colossus
  • The Upturned - A horror-comedy game with a great sense of humor
  • Your Spider - A great indie horror game with puzzles like Silent Hill. Plus it has an adorable spider. This is one of my favorite indie horror games.
  • Exanima - Looks at first like a normal dungeon crawler, but its physics-based combat controls and enemy AI make this a very unique and interesting game, even if it’s been in early access for ages.
  • Withering Rooms - Great, creepy atmosphere and an interesting story.

I just keep getting annoyed when I see an interesting looking game and find that it’s VR-only.

I’ll need to play with it some more when I get a chance. In any case, my impression is that it’s still developing and still has some way to go. I’d be kinda shocked if Linux doesn’t get decent support eventually.

I believe it does currently have Linux support. At least that is one of the build options. I’m not sure what might prevent it from working in Linux, unless the FBX import package isn’t compatible.

I haven’t tried it myself yet, though.