I know at least Gopher (and probably several others on YouTube or elsewhere) literally spelled out the equation for success for TESVI, or at least the beginnings of it.
Pitching in for Interesting NPCs. Adds a ton of characters/followers and several quests. If I picked no other mod (outside of unofficial patch) it’d be this one.
WarTales is on sale through May on GOG last I checked so I might pick it up. I’m currently midway through Shadow of War and Fallout IV, but I feel like I’ve hit a wall with motivation to play FO4 at least. Oh and trying to finish my Oblivion playthrough. Maybe one day.
I played quite a ways through PoE 1 but didn’t finish, but somehow I went through 2 much later and beat the whole game and haven’t been able to beat 1 since, despite restarting the game a bunch. Wish I’d’ve beaten it originally.
I tried playing the switch splitscreen version and it kind of hurt, and I love BL2. I might buy it for my SO on PC just so we can have a better play experience.
How did that go