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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 02, 2024


I’ll take a look at that program, only thing I’m digging about the 4k Downloader is it channeling my inner Ron-Co spokesman and being able to set it and forget it for full playlists. Command line isn’t a big deal though, I grew up having to play games in MS-DOS. Thanks for the lead though I’ll check it out tonight.

Preserving Classic GI Media
Hello, thanks for stopping by. I'm currently in the process of saving the Super Replays from the classic team for myself, kind of putting my money where my mouth is regarding a previous response I made about the shuttering of Game Informer. After what seems to be the loss of the entire GI website I starting pulling the videos that were near and dear to me, as best I can anyways. However thinking over it the last couple days I'm wondering how much I should archive and if I should perhaps put in somewhere others can access it? That's where this post comes in, I'm currently utilizing a free version of 4k Downloader as, well, frankly I don't trust the other programs that I looked over to be malware. If someone has suggestions I'm listening and would appreciate it. The problem with the free 4k is the 10 vids a day limit. That being said if other are interested and perhaps would like me to go forward then I'll have to go ahead and grab a license from them and just get it down much much faster. So that comes to my final question, how do I let others access this stuff assuming the channel goes belly up like the website? Is this a self hosting situation? If any could point me in a direction I'll start educating myself. I know this post maybe slightly out of the scope of gaming but I wanted to potentially hear from you all and gauge any interest. Otherwise I'll just keep pecking at the playlists only important to me. Thanks, -Dud

Tim, Dan, and Reiner in any horror themed Super Replay is fantastic. I went through a really rough separation and I needed something happy-ish to fill the dead noise at night and found the Megaman Legends Super Replay and the rest is history.

Well, probably should go archive the old crew Super Replays. Hearing Dan’s laugh as Reiner loses his shit at him is like an old comfort blanket.

The new Terminator RTS can be pretty difficult but you can just smack space to pause and asses the situation, issue orders, and then in pause. It’s got a little jank to it but it’s a really good RTS with some survival/scavenging aspects and some branching objectives.

I’m pretty burnt out on shooters for a lifetime, and the “Marvel characters we have at home” vibe from the art isn’t helping much.

I stopped WoW a bit after the server instancing thing happened. I was in Detheroc pretty much from launch and got tossed into I think Shadowburn for the server group. I actually made a name for myself as a bit of a go to PUG tank for just about anything and was probably the closest one got to a mercenary in that game.

It was clunky but they were my people and we got to know each other. Once that started to fade away so did I. I miss those days but know they’ll never be back so I’ll just think back on those days and smile. If anyone reading this remembers a human warrior named Stem, hi.

You sound like me talking about Eternal, just wasn’t the Doom for me.

Party based survival RPG with a layer of distrust similar to John Carpenter’s The Thing and a few of the failed premises for morale and what not from the game based off the movie. Would probably need some sort of randomizer or rogue like element to keep the tension of who to trust high.

Y’know what, given some of the things I’ve beat meat to in the past I’d be down with the Emperor getting a royal rack.

It looks like a cross between a sidekick and that weird keyboard attachment that went on 360 controllers. Who is this for?

I missed it as a kid/teen but tried it with the rerelease a few years back and hated it. I’m looking forward to seeing what they try still though.