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Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


That’s unfortunate. The new game+ isnt really just the same thing over again as it introduces new gameplay and further fleshes out the story—its really more accurate to call it the games second act, with a third and fourth to follow after that. But if you didn’t find the gameplay enticing, fair enough.

get a gamepass sub, play avowed.

also re: Neir, did you start a new game plus after the first play through?

Nice, i never got to play those and the originals don’t work on my computer (and I don’t feel like fucking with getting them working). The 1-3 Remakes were a great nostalgia trip.

Maybe if the pokémon company had done anything to advance their gameplay in the past 30 years people wouldn’t be so excited to try a better pokémon game. They should probably sue the developers of Ni No Kuni for also making a better pokémon game.

I’ve been replaying and somewhat enjoying Fallout 4 recently too and all I can say is Bethesda made a very good (and janky) video game back in 2003 and managed to reskin it into 5 different games over the past 20 years fairly well—only blatantly showed its age with Starfield because they removed all the (now out of date) modernizations introduced in Fallout 4. I will not buy The Elder Scrolls VI if that ever comes to market.

Just throwing it out there if you haven’t played it, The Outer Worlds hits all the fallout notes in a tighter package (also made by obsidian who made New Vegas)

Maybe if the games did anything, uh, interesting. Didn’t play Hogwarts because I can give 0 fucks about the H Potter universe. Starfield was definitely one of the Bethesda games of all time. Just a smattering of mechanics stolen from other games and simplified. It was fun but by no means anything to write home about. Put about 140 hrs—will probably not play it ever again. Did put 120 int BG3, will probably play again in a couple months.

Cyberpunk 2077 is definitely up there. Half life Alyx as well, but it’s VR so kinda comes with the territory haha.