I agree, every ac game is a copy of it’s former. it was good once when the idea was fresh but today, a game so repetitive doesn’t pass for me and every story is the same only a different location.
A research team investigate a guy from some country who had a bad childhood, had the same hawk with same abilities - climbing of thousands of high buildings, infiltrating or raiding villages, has a ship that helps him get to these villages. And do it over and over again.
Oh, and don’t forget the millions of collectibles that are really hard to find since the map doesn’t help you with that.
Never been able to finish a single game of ac
Good for you (not being sarcastic). For me, I can’t overlook it. I need to have a good score, the entire game revolve around it and me trying to get a good grade. This feels a chore for me, and although I know that it doesn’t mean anything about myself, I still get a bad feeling when it happens and when I do get a good grade, I don’t feel relived, I feel like this is what I needed that do and it was expected of me.
The fact that it bother me, doesn’t mean I want to install a game that says “you win”. I like challenging games, but a different challenge.
To all people who buy switch and say it’s not about the graphics, it’s about the experience, this is what you get.
I’m not criticizing them saying this , I’m just making a point that switch as inferior hardware and you can’t expect to have the game with the same graphics as ps5. The game price is not tied to the graphics, it’s tired to the amount of work they had to put in it, which I’m sure is a lot
I finished the campaign with my wife and we had fun do it together than after 90 hrs or so (we kept the screen a lot so I’m not sure its actually 90 hrs) I deleted it and went on, right when season 1 started. I tried to come back to it yesterday alone and it was just… Dull. The game was boring as hell playing alone, after 2 hours I deleted it again
I think you and I played different games… Destiny is a great game! One of the best looter shooter ever made. The gameplay and lore is freaking great. The only issue to me is that there are 2 much content and the amount of time you need to dedicate for this game is huge.but when I was younger and responsibilities free I had a blast
Lmao couldn’t pass the first sentence - I and I and I…