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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Lol no… I fell for it the last time and bought the vase game, I’m done… Diablo will never be what it used to be, fuck blizzard never going to buy any of their games

Lol no… I fell for it the last time and bought the vase game, I’m done… Diablo will never be what it used to be, fuck blizzard never going to buy any of their games

How does spaghetti code even related to the logs? Do you know what it even means?

I have 3060ti and it’s stuttering on medium - low

I wish I knew one reviews site that I can trust regarding souls like. Not all gaming sites know to really review them. A lot of youtubers love the game (although specifying issues in performance) And from gameplay videos it looks amazing and I have a feeling I’m going to have a blast

I agree, every ac game is a copy of it’s former. it was good once when the idea was fresh but today, a game so repetitive doesn’t pass for me and every story is the same only a different location.

A research team investigate a guy from some country who had a bad childhood, had the same hawk with same abilities - climbing of thousands of high buildings, infiltrating or raiding villages, has a ship that helps him get to these villages. And do it over and over again.

Oh, and don’t forget the millions of collectibles that are really hard to find since the map doesn’t help you with that.

Never been able to finish a single game of ac

Never understood who play ac, these games are great for the first hour but then the games becomes so dull an repetitive, same missions same stories it becomes very tedious

It was the same with lies of P… I think it’s becoming a trend and someone needs to stop it, it’s false advertising. None of the reviews are credible, they’re not reviewing the same game

Good for you (not being sarcastic). For me, I can’t overlook it. I need to have a good score, the entire game revolve around it and me trying to get a good grade. This feels a chore for me, and although I know that it doesn’t mean anything about myself, I still get a bad feeling when it happens and when I do get a good grade, I don’t feel relived, I feel like this is what I needed that do and it was expected of me.

The fact that it bother me, doesn’t mean I want to install a game that says “you win”. I like challenging games, but a different challenge.

You can play fromsoft or any souls like game which probably harder than any Japanese grading game and still hate it. It’s not about easy/hard. The fact that you don’t understand it and try to offend op shows what person you are, I give you a D lmao

I thought I’m the only when. Every game I played / watched a review and saw those C/D/A/S whatever I immediately say nope and uninstall. I have enough performance reviews in real life.

Dogshit? Really?

I usually don’t like nerrative driven games and skip a lot of cut scenes in games,but I really enjoyed this one! Great story really funny and fun gameplay.

The fighting was pretty easy I agree and as much as live dark souls, nit every game needs to have. This kind of challenge

2024? It looks like a game straight from 2004

Didn’t exacted you to provide answers, as you said it’s not your job :) I was just wondering and engaged with a conversation

Yeah that a good alibi if it was purchased early and you can prove that you’ve been in the office at that time. What happens if it happen in the evening, and a lot of people are from home so its not a strong argument. Uterine what they’ll do in this situation

Their child made charges to a credit card without parental knowledge or consent between January 2017 to November 2018

How can you prove that the purchase made by your child and not you?

To all people who buy switch and say it’s not about the graphics, it’s about the experience, this is what you get.

I’m not criticizing them saying this , I’m just making a point that switch as inferior hardware and you can’t expect to have the game with the same graphics as ps5. The game price is not tied to the graphics, it’s tired to the amount of work they had to put in it, which I’m sure is a lot

They’re going to fuck it up anyway

I finished the campaign with my wife and we had fun do it together than after 90 hrs or so (we kept the screen a lot so I’m not sure its actually 90 hrs) I deleted it and went on, right when season 1 started. I tried to come back to it yesterday alone and it was just… Dull. The game was boring as hell playing alone, after 2 hours I deleted it again

At this point I’m not holding my breath for silksong, something happened there and I’m not sure it will come out any time soon

All these reviews came before they switched off denuvo. That game they reviewed won’t be the same game we’ll play

I think you and I played different games… Destiny is a great game! One of the best looter shooter ever made. The gameplay and lore is freaking great. The only issue to me is that there are 2 much content and the amount of time you need to dedicate for this game is huge.but when I was younger and responsibilities free I had a blast

I really liked the first 10 hours,but then it became really repetitive. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Maybe it’s just me though

They mean “We messed up” bynot able to fool our player base and get more money out of the.and they are sorry they get caught and not able to go through with their greedy plan

I think you can’t see starfield the same way you saw skyrim is because several years past and this level of dullness and jankiness is unacceptable

Looks amazing and the demo was excellent ! I’m really waiting for this one

You do realize that lies of p is souls like yeah? And both remnants are treasures I loved them so much

Yup came here to say something similar. As long as there’s quality they’ll be fine and in this specific case - if they’ll deliver what their showing and not over promising they’ll do way more then fine, the gameplay video looks awesome. I hope this what we get

King’s bounty are such great games! That’s awesome!

Aha,they are basically doing it for charity!

First of it’s ubisoft, everything they show or advertise is just straight up lie

Second of all it’s ubisoft so prepare for a bugfest shit show

Third if all it’s already missing ship boarding,recruiting etc… It’s already not in a good place on my books

Same here, graveyqrd of peaks is such a frustrating place lol, but few days ago I gave it the 10th try with a guide and after a while you get into it and it gets really better

I can see it being loved by the certain communities, like deep rock and such, but come on, you have the biggest and most popular fantasy world ever made and this is what you get out of it?

Looks amazing and I don’t know it for a fact but it feels like the devs takes the time to perfect the game and it will come out polished… Of course this just my feeling

“I wish you could see me! I’m missing 3 limbs and I’m kicking your ass!” Lmao, this guy’s amazing! Some people are incredible.

I remember as a kid the original cam out, I had a shitty potato that couldn’t run the game and I really wanted to play it but never did. I’m so glad for this remake, I’m going to get a closure lol

We released a game with a huge bug, but it’s your fault that you take advantage of it. Imagine paying $70 at least only to be baned because of this bs