I dunno I love Disco Elysium but that company can fuck right off. They wrestled away the IP from the original creators and the sequel was certain to be a confused hack job with no sense of what made the original so special. The game is definitely worth playing but it’s hard to advocate giving them any money when none of it goes to the artists who made it :\
Nintendo ‘deconfirmed’ it because that would be sad and they don’t want to publically say “yes Majoras Mask is a sad.” Doesn’t fit the brand. That being said, Majoras Mask is about grief. The lead Dev lost his daughter right before production, whether it was intended or not the game is absolutely chock a block with this constant repeating theme and it’s why the game is special.
Honestly this just looks like a ton of fun although the explicit branding iconography kind of makes it feel like it should be a bundle game. Still looks fun though