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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Yeah, another guy did name it but I personally will avoid it

You are in for a treat! Would really love to hear what you think of a certain level in dishonored 2 actually, but will probably take a while huh?

Dishonored 2 is such an amazing game, easily the best level design of any game ever

Exact same regional pricing in my country, no idea what you guys are talking about

Black Flag was insanely good, it boggles my mind they managed not to capitalise on that

Edit: guys, I know they tried, but they still failed

I mean, stardew has combat and I think it’s fine? Just like NMS the focus in stardew isnt combat so its quite superficial. Heck, nms even has settings to completely remove combat dmg

I think the cave thing happens still, rarely since it requires a combination of things, sentinel dog I have been dodging just fine. If you ahve the game you can just try it, if you dont just pirate to test it or smth, imo it isnt a big problem currently but to each their own.

I wouldn’t wait for that, I dont think it was ever the objective with this game, main focus has always been exploration

I mean, that thread mentions the flytraps which, in my experience, have an extremely specific radius around them that when you get too close they closed up and damage you. I know that because if you get close enough you can pick the oxygen inside of it without taking dmg, and I never got hit while trying to do that

Started playing again with the Liquidators expedition and I have no idea what you mean, so its probably fixed

This game is easily the best redemption arc since Zuko, you can't change my mind

Tbf, elden ring is still poorly optimized. It’s been 3 years since it released and I still get cutscene stutters and no ultrawide

Team Ninja, please I beg of you, give us Nioh 3

I bought Diplomacy is not an Option and it has been great so far, really scratches that itch of defending against a huge horde

There is pretty much nothing current Blizzard wont do for money, Elon just need some ‘sorry I cheated’ money and he is good as gold

Placing a hub in the middle of the first zone probably didn’t help

I finish very few games unfortunately. Last one that gave me post game depression was Hi-Fi Rush I think

Too bad, Origin was actually pretty solid, the new app is complete trash (at least the last time I tried it)

Man it is fun and the patch/emulator really made it age quite nicely. HOWEVER, I cannot stress this enough, this game was NOT made to be played blind. Like, holy shit I dont think any kid ever beat it by himself.

As a kid I didnt speak english so I didnt know the potty item was used for you digimon to poop, I also didnt know there were toilets around the owrld besides the one in town. Lets just say I got a lot of sukamon. This time I read about the game and as you can probably surmise, I know some english now so it was MUCH easier, managed to get an ultimate digimon first try.

So overall its an easy recommend, just make sure to patch it and use a guide cause fuck figuring out the crazy stuff the game asks of you while your digimon life ticks away!

Couple of weeks ago I played digimon world 1 on an emulator. After over 20 years of it releasing it runs flawlessly and looks much better than before, to make things even nicer it has been getting unofficial patches with the latest version coming out like a month ago. Games don’t need to die, we can keep them going forever.

Add a free sub to wow with game pass and I might consider renewing

I’ve already waited for years, I can wait some more for the no login pirate version

Don’t they make CPUs for the ps5? Are they proud of beating themselves? Isn’t that a bad idea since Sony might decide to sign with someone else for the ps6?

I feel sad for the artists, if the gameplay was serviceable then the gorgeous art could carry it by itself

Had to bait them into coming towards me, many deaths before I managed tho. Still better than most captchas

Hope so too. I’m trash at rhythm games but still loved Hi-fi Rush, amazing game

Not sure if it counts as FPS but if it does I second Dishonored. The second game has the best level design of any game I played and it’s not even close

Timberborn, if early access counts. If not: Until Then

I really want a sequel tho, following another character ofc (would need a new name too). This is gonna be nice for new players but I don’t feel like the game has a lot of replay value. I wonder if it will be a free upgrade for people that already own the game

From the creator of Helltaker, will always be free btw

So we had time travel all this time huh? Excuse me, I’m gonna go play a game from 2723 >!Star Citizen!<

The game is legit one of the best I’ve played in the past like 10 years. The story starts kinda slow but I promise, it picks up later

Technically GN was able to rent a pc with a fake ID so… You could totally steal it, only problem would be the mailing address

They don’t do games as a service so it makes sense they make much more money when releasing a new game

Load screen minigames was patented for quite a few years, it’s the reason we couldn’t have fun while waiting for the game to load. The patent has run out tho I think, but nowadays it doesn’t matter cause SSDs