This happens a lot more than you think. It isn’t just coping.
How many movies were produced by Weinstein? How many comics were published by bigots that still re-sell in droves today?
How many celebrated tv shows were made by pieces of garbage?
Wrestlemania season is here. THAT company is completely vile from the ground up.
Sometimes, people just pick and choose their fiction and legitimately separate the artist from the art. The Harry Potter franchise has outgrown it’s original author, just like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, WWE or almost any franchise.
If you think the world truly is so black and white, you haven’t gone out and experienced enough of it.
Blatantly incorrect. They jumped on the sword to protect a legal precedent concerning emulation.
If the courts had ruled in favor of Nintendo, guess what? That means ALL emulators are on the chopping block. All of them. They knew.
Once you have case history to back you up, it becomes a domino effect.
This has absolutely nothing to do with cowardice.