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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


This. My HDD also holds local copies of games in case I want to move them to the SSD.

My PC was built in 2015, the case, PSU, 2xHDDs, 2xSSDs, and fans are all original. No reason to change what isn’t broken. If I ever move on to a new case, I’ll just turn these into a server farm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t see the problem. He’s scaling back from over 200 galaxies with trillions of planets to a single planet.

I’m still malding at how they canceled the singleplayer dlc so they could reskin and release the same content over and over on multiplayer (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

I liked Starfield and I still logged a shit ton of hours on it.

But it’s story, dialogue, and character interactions feel that bad combination of rushed and PG13 in a setting that should be R. The fact that they will likely never rewrite and re-record these quests kinda blows. And the looting took a step backwards with the lack of clothing pieces and non-unique clothing stats.

I’m excited for what the modding community does to the game, which is the major reason I bought it. I’ve got over 3000 hours on skyrim, less than 200 of that is vanilla gameplay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The fuck over SP got is the biggest crime after the cucking we got over Anthem.

I bought the game 4 times.

Twice for me, and a copy for 2 of my friends.

Pretty cool seeing one of them log a ton of hours in it after working. Like, I gave them that happiness :')