I never spent a dime on it, but I did play for over 3000 hours before rock star blocked linux. I enjoyed the grind rather than the reward, so it sort of became my little safe-space game when I was really stresses out. could always just go hang out with my buds for a few hours and grind out a million bucks. I’m still kinda torn up about the anticheat situation tbh, I would gladly play alone if there were any way to play the same game. but story mode just doesnt compare for me, completly different game :(
I went on a similar journey but instead of being pulled back in by hades, for me it was risk of rain 2. Now I’ve played risk of rain returns, hollow knight, and I’m just starting to get better at noita. Dead cells and hades have been on my radar for years, just haven’t had time to pull the trigger on them yet
Nah I completely disagree. I think a good story would be amazing in an open world racing game. The problem is that forza horizon 4 and 5 (never played the others) both have awefully boring stories, barely anything more than the “up and coming racer” you mentioned, yet always throwing its vapid nonsense in your face. Tbh it feels more like a power fantasy or smthn than an actual story.
I was surprised to learn this a few days ago, and did end up buying it, but its still infuriating that the Devs seem to have chosen the absolute worst path possible for their stated goal of preventing players from artificially having their progression completed. This could’ve been solved in a multitude of different and less invasive ways
to me this reads more like damage control. maybe it’s just my bias from enjoying the franchise a lot, but the fact that unknown worlds is clarifying a statement made by their publisher with this language in it just smells like the publisher had no clue what was actually going on and wanted to leak something that “looked good” (from a business not consumer perspective)
all my excitement evaporated this morning when I found out this PvE P2P game has kernal level anticheat and is completly borked on Linux. the original didnt have any anticheat at all, and being a peer to peer game that imo was best played with friends, I think that system was ideal. very dissapointed about this rootkit
i played for about 3 hours, and afaik you don’t have to make/use the guns. pals don’t even have death animations they just get anime KO swirly eyes and you get whatever their drops are in your inventory, so you could even easily convince yourself youre just knocking them out like in Pokemon.
IMO the only reason not to buy it is the lack of depth beyond being a base-building survival game. I thought there would be some big story and grand questline, but nope. youre just dropped in the world and guided through base building and pal catching.
what is luck be a landlord?