Just some Software Engineer
Not gonna lie. That is hella hype. Although it does make it harder to target hardware as a game dev. It does however make the whole ecosystem way better.
Hope they introduce some minimum hardware requirements that a hand-held has to have for it to be steamos compatible. That way devs can target that hardware and it will run on any steamos verified device
Absolutely this. The 30% split is not only standard (xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo) but it has also hasn’t changed in a VERY long time. Any and all increases in price of games are entirely independent of the cut. Also the cut offers competition (such as the absolutely horrendous epic store) who can offer a smaller split (which they do) to remain an attractive option for game publishers. But do they drop the price on epic??? NO. It’s the game publishers greed not the store they publish on driving up prices. And blaming steam is not just looking a gift horse into the mouth but beating it with a baseball bat.
This is exactly it. Fuck all of those news articles because they all try to make out steam as the bad guy. Steam is the best of guys based on the fact that it let’s you sell steam keys, which let me remind you THEY MAKE NO PRFIT ON on other platforms and all they ask is that you don’t sell them dirt cheap?
VALVE PAYS FOR THE BANDWIDTH THAT DOWNLOADING THE GAME USES. Honestly the fact that they are willing to absorb all the costs while making none of the profit is absolutely mind blowing.
This is absolutely insane. I love it. Always been a fan of deus ex and I love the idea to get to experience it in VR. But most importantly I am impressed with the creator of this mod that clearly knows what he is doing. Every bit of VR interaction looks and feels polished which is more than I can say about some dedicated vr titles
You are assuming that all non steam deck handhelds are going to be better than the steamdeck performance wise. While this may be the case with the ROG Ally I don’t think it holds true with all handhelds so there is possibility for a hand-held with less performance than the steamdeck to be verified