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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


The melee combat was atrocious and literally the same 3 hits over and over again. Game should have: eased off the melee, had a few more original guns instead of just second handgun and other shotgun, more monster verity and no broken to the point of being OP last of us inspired stealth.

Absolutely love Hi-Fi Rush but I would rather it be just that one incredible game than to have it be milked into 4 sequels and spin offs and get a lukewarm Amazon show.

Elden Ring was already copy pasted to shit, why shouldn’t they just blatantly rip characters straight from their other works without even dressing them up with a fresh paint.

That and it not having 2 player coop screams that this is just a hollow cash grab from the executives.

So? Who cares besides the ones raking in the money?

Does it really matter how much a game you played has profited its CEOs?

“Why bother making new IPs when you’ll gladly slurp up recycled nostalgia for all eternity.”

Absolutely this.

Last ditch attempts to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

I already wasn’t going to pay for another Ubisoft game ever again but this is absolutely the final nail in the coffin for me. Fucking atrocious.

We can just play the same game that we did 20 years ago. Even better so with emulation.

Take that remake stick out of your ass and make something original again you hacks.

Ubisoft confirms it’s milking another dead franchise in a pathetic attempt to win back consumers after releasing nothing but live service scams.

If the film industry won’t learn that lesson, then the gaming industry certainly won’t.

IP rot will continue until it’s no longer profitable.

Stop pre ordering games and watching every milked franchise sequel.

Their next game is going to be a live service scam.

If it takes Guerrilla’s head on the chopping block for greedy publishers to finally stop making these scam service games. That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

It lacked gameplay in general. Leaned way too hard on the broken, shallow melee combat and was far too long and padded for the amount of gameplay it had.

They clearly wasted money on the actors and graphics instead of making a solid gameplay loop.

Good! More franchises should conclude. Give them a proper happy ending and move onto new stories. Instead of milking every last penny and wallowing in franchise rot.

Closest thing Sony has to a proper mascot, of course they are gonna milk it for all it’s worth.

Wanna save money? Cut the pay for executives!

It’s an immediate bump in profits and zero impact on the games quality.

The gameplay loop is only fun when the dialogue is funny and it hasn’t been funny since 2.

I’m just so over looking at virtually identical gear with slightly better stats that were randomly generated.

Was hoping the movie would have killed the franchise and force them to move on and make something original again instead of wallowing in IP rot.

Was hoping the movie would have killed the franchise and force them to move on and make something original again instead of wallowing in IP rot.

No surprise here.

Wish modders would learn that some publishers don’t want any content made for their intellectual property and it’s better to spend the time and effort to make your own original project instead.

You like cod? Cool! Make something inspired by it instead of something that will just get sued out of existence.

The cops should be called on Hollywood for IP abuse. 😂

Wow, that a first for a corporation to allow.

Normally they just kill off games and release a pointless sequel.