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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Feb 22, 2024


It’s already been getting pretty unbearable over the last few years anyway, but I’m probably being a grumpy bitch.

Yeah it was pretty much an instanced version of Monster Hunter, but without lore, more grind, and without really anything to look forward to but learning the new monsters move repertoire. Idk, got super stale super fast for me.

So anything specific? I’m not familiar with the title or it’s predecessor so some listed feedback would be great.

Ohhh I misunderstood. I thought you meant actual applications but you just meant vr apps in general. Well, thank you for the recommendations either way!

Hey I’m picking up VR currently. Can I get some recommended apps from you?

What is non-TPM? My main resistance to 11 is just enshittification / advert bullshit plus whatever the screenshotting privacy nightmare garbage was as well.

Always appreciate your posts man! Thanks for taking time out of your day to add content to Lemmy! I have a question: I’ve played Control which references Alan Wake and the story definitely piqued my interest. I do own the first but haven’t played it. At this point should I play the first before the second? Or just go with the second one?

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1/2/3 or however many there are. Granted they’re zombies, but still solid

Honestly it would have to be something this extreme because our current system is never going to give more than a slap to the wrist to the rich.

Sure, masturbate to the thought. It’ll never happen. Ever.

I think the disconnect has to do with old gamers vs new. Old gamers were used to getting one game every 6mo to a year. New gamers are looking for a variety of that or short bangers. Idk I somehow fall between. I can play a long game as long as it comes in digestible amounts where I can easily drop it and pick it back up. All I know is ‘AAA’ type studios are out of touch as fuck. Only game I can think of in recent memory that was long and checked all the boxes would be God Of War. Horizon Zero Dawn as well. Coincidentally both ports from PS but I’m PC.

Amen. I’ll trust that until Gabe dies and of course some shithead takes his place and ruins the company

Get fucked. After all the shit I’ve seen them pulling with Windows 11 they’ll never get a dime out of me again. I’ll ride my win 10 until it’s out of support then switch to Linux. Fuck monopolies, and fuck enshittification for profit.

I recommend it. It’s a nice little time waster that you can pick up and put down with relative ease. There are modes without timers and such as well so you aren’t stressing out while playing. This game has been out for a while and over the years I’ve picked it back up several times.

Honestly this game was/is pretty close to a 10/10 for me. If you have any interest in SCPs Control is probably the best ‘triple A’ title to associate various SCPs into it’s lore and story. Even if you’ve never heard of SCPs the storyline in Control is unique and very, very well done. It’s obviously a gorgeous game as well, if you can’t tell from OPs screenshots. It’s been out long enough at this point you can usually grab it for cheap on sale, or as another poster mentioned it’s free on Epic currently? Haven’t verified that though

Gotcha. Thanks for the recommend / type up! I’ve definitely spent more time than I’d admit just replaying levels. The engine is beautiful and the levels and scenery are super immersive

Holy shit a hitman fan! I’ve played all the games in the series since the original. Only one I haven’t purchased is 3 since they got really shitty with DLCs and garbage. Amazing games for replayability though.

STARBOUND!!! Dude you’re the only ever person I’ve run into. That was one for the first games I supported in Early Access and hold a special place in my heart. I somehow lost my original save on that game and was utterly devastated. At some point I’ll go do another run bit damn did that hit me hard. I had countless bases, my shop was so decked out. Ugh.

I liked Starfield as well man, I’m with you! Fallout 4 as well =]

Holy shit I have no idea how many hours I have in GW2 but…yeah, a lot. Man I keep wanting to get back into it but it’s so hard to, for me at least

Oh my god yes Dyson Sphere Project. If you liked it and Factorio give Satisfactory a shot. It’s first person but an amazing experience.

Fuck yeah Factorio! You should give Satisfactory a shot!

I feel you man. It’s few and far between where there’s a game you can easily drop / pick up on a whim with limited time. The only one that comes to mind would be Powerwash Sim but Infully realize that’s not for everyone. Wish I wasn’t so exhausted I’d go try to pull a list for you. Maybe Cult of the Lamb? Anyway, hardcore Minecraft fan myself. Consider it one of my fave zen games. Enjoy man! Merry Christmas!

You have any pointers on this game? Not sure if I just sucked at it or had bad starts but never was able to make it through more than a session without dying.

Just right up front with the card pack gambling mechanic.

Man this game is a god damned trip. Someone said this was a walking simulator but I’d describe it differently as you can and will die on certain parts. Storyline is a 12/10, highly recommend.

Haha appreciate the forethought. Yeah I’m going to hold off until more info is available. Looks promising though!!

As someone who hasn’t been following this at all…these are comparable to recent cards? I read the article and they did a benchmark against the RTX 4060 which was released last year. Are these more for casual gamer rigs? I guess I’m trying to figure out if these are a good choice for a rig I’m currently building for my teen.

I don’t think I’ve met a single person that played a Daytona game and I live in the south.

So I’ve always heard of but never played the first Stalker. Obviously it has a pretty big reputation. Do I need to play the first? Is there a synopsis of the first that will suffice? This game looks right up my alley. Gritty sci-fi shooter in a similar timeline. Looks gorgeous as well.

Translation: Our corpo overlords don’t like that you can review bomb our shitty games and force us to take losses when we do shitty corpo things. Appease my bosses or they’ll make me be bottom again with no lube.

Man during my play time on this I wasnt tracking updates and this shit broke EVERYTHING for me as coal worked without water previously. It was so borked I just washed my hands of it and started over but gaaaaah did that SUCK