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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


I’m not saying they would or they wouldn’t, but if they would, and I’m not saying they would, they would distribute the keys to the Blu-ray players online so other people could use their rightfully purchased discs in any way they pleased on their own hardware.

There’s two or three good ones in the series. Thankfully the rest aren’t as bad as Far Cry which is just about the shittiest franchise I’ve ever had the displeasure of playing.

Tried this game. It needs a lot of polish.

You have no idea. As someone who tried to get into d2 not knowing anything about it, I was completely lost. The menu interface is Byzantine. The concept of the game is lost. You have to ask people how to play the thing and what the goals and objectives are because the game is so lousy at helping new players understand it. I gave it a hard pass.

Incidentally, it sounds like you’re describing Elden Ring and DS3.

In other news, Florida Man sues because space flight is hard, it should be as ready as opening a beer.

Considering how dedicated teams have to be just in their regular tournament schedules, if there’s no prize pool to make it worth while I’m not sure the ioc will get a good turnout.

The problem with cosmetic items is the payout % to the artist. It’s so fucking low, I have no idea why artists work so hard for it.

It’s better to call it X and not continue to soil the Twitter name.

Gun makers in the USA cozying up to government law makers to keep gun laws loose especially with respect to export and control is the force driving gun violence in the USA. Follow the $$$.