And D&D Beyond is another great example - you have shit tons of material and a source that was built by someone else, you buy it and do nothing with it? And it’s not intuitive and lacks basic features?
I’m super excited to see what kind of microtransaction laced minimal effort game we get from them.
What they need to do is take whoever the next director of the game is going to be, strap them to a chair Clockwork Orange style and mix the entire Criterion Collection and Evangelion for about a year or two.
Then just for good measure have them write a page of names and slap them anytime a name nears anything of normal.
Then, and only then, should they be allowed to start working.
Well maybe I’m just a console pleb, playing it on my series S, but I have issues where it hangs on load screens, times where I’m landing my ship and it just disappears and won’t let me out, or just times where it simply crashes.
Not to mention quest breaking bugs and other things I’ve experienced. But what the hell, I guess I should just upgrade my computer, right Todd?
You can make up statistics for anything. 80% of people know that!!