I know, but it’s frustrating when i search “restaurants in Cityville” and the results show restaurants in Cityville Indiana instead of my homestate. Or i search for “T-Mobile stores near me” and they list off ones 3 counties over instead of the ones near me. I understand that it is a privacy thing, but it is very annoying.
Same thing happens when i look up items on the grocery store website to see if they have something i need. Firefox seems to think i live over an hour away in Dearborn Michigan, so i have to adjust my location manually every time. I understand why it happens and i can accept it , but that doesn’t mean it isn’t frustrating.
Depends on what you mean by “thwart”. Facewatch is clearly calling all false positives a success, so if someone shows up in a facemask and the system says I am shoplifting, thats a successful prevention. Companies that do “prevention” of something like this can just call a success whatever they want.
They scare the shit out of me