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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I picked up a 4070 and have been really happy with the low power draw (and therefore heat) after undervolting it.

Agreed, I think the first game I saw this in was Tunic. It was a great addition!

Right? When I was a kid I would specifically enjoy the “challenge” of trying to beat something over and over. Nowadays though… I just like playing a game for the experience. I still like feeling “progression”, so things go from difficult to easy as my character advances. But having to repeat something multiple times? Eh… just not my jam anymore.

That’s actually what I tend to do, but would be nice (for laziness) to have two different settings. Or for cases where games don’t allow adjustment after starting.

Funny you bring up Kena, because that is actually probably a prime example for me too. Loved the rest of the game, but the boss fights were a bit too difficult imo!

Would you prefer if games had a separate difficulty setting for boss fights?
I usually play games on "normal" difficulty these days, for a balanced challenge. However, I don't particularly enjoy boss fights, or at least I don't enjoy the extra challenge associated with them. Was thinking it would be nice if games had a separate setting so I could just set boss fights to "easy", while not making the rest of the game less challenging as well.

I played a ton of StarCraft back in the day! I was never too serious about joining a clan (just dabbled), but I now remember some of the things you mentioned with the chat rooms, and clan “tags”. I might be imagining it, but wasn’t there also some way to set colors on letters in names too (holding down alt and pressing numbers or something…) That might have honestly been my first experience with “bots” for things adjacent to games.

Good memories, thanks very much for sharing!

Wow, that’s a crazy coincidence! That “patron” system sounds pretty interesting too, seems like a good way to incentivize veterans to help new players. Interesting that I haven’t really heard of any more recent games having that (as far as I know).

That sounds amazing, it is good to hear there are still some groups that have kept in contact, even after all that time!

That’s awesome when you can organize an in-game group like that to achieve something you couldn’t do alone. Sounds like fun times for sure! :)

Anyone have good memories of (or still belong to) a gaming clan or guild?
Was thinking about this today, pretty unique time way back in my gaming past. Belonged to a clan that would play things like War Rock (old F2P game), Battlefield 2, early CoD games, etc. It was really the only time I belonged to a gaming clan, and I remember (maybe through the lens of nostalgia?) having a great time with it. Someone was always on voice chat, I think we used TeamSpeak then switched to Vent, then finally Mumble? I remember it being fairly small group, so everyone knew each other. There was also a really wide range of ages as well, so it was almost more like a strange family than a group of friends. Just funny to think back, how frequently we all talked to each other, without ever having actually met in-person. Then it just kind of faded away slowly, I couldn't even tell you why / when I stopped. Anyone else have similar experience / memories? Do you still belong to any gaming clans or guilds today (new or old)?

Just makes me wonder if the same thing happens in other communities. Say someone posts a photo of a National Park, are there replies how they’ve hiked most of the trails at that park and decided it’s not worth visiting?

I can see both sides too, “well we are informing people about the cons of that park, so they aren’t eaten by the vicious bears!”. I get that, I do! People have an opinion they want to share, nothing really wrong with that. Does that understanding make it enjoyable for me as the person just sharing the photo? Not so much…😂

I can never tell if comments like this are a joke. Starfield has tons of issues, don’t get me wrong, but I’m still playing it because I’m having fun. Why put 80 hours into something if you aren’t enjoying it?

Personally if I’m not having fun in a game, I’d just stop after a few hours.

Sorry, not that I know of! Poor phrasing on my part, should have said “more excited than if there were a Portal 3 announcement”.

I’m honestly more excited about this than a Portal 3 announcement! :) Loved both the puzzles and the story / vibe of the first one!

An ultralisk was the first thing that I thought of.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Ventoy is awesome, love being able to load a ton of different boot images on a single USB drive! The only issue I’ve run into is the occasional image that won’t boot. Not sure if this is expected, or you need to sometimes tweak settings to get it working?

There are some archives of the service here -

Supposedly most of the videos, and 20% of the screenshots? I’m not sure if there’s a way to easily search the archive contents, rather than download.

There’s quite a few profiles on Web Archive too -*/*

It was definitely ahead of its time! Not really sure why it faded away, I guess pressure from Steam (pun intended), and games moving to private in-game server browsers? Along with many other options for voice chat.

For those that didn’t use it, Xfire was basically a combination of messenger, voice chat, and a server browser for games back in the day.

As far as I know, it was also one of the earliest ways to stream your gameplay for others to watch. I remember trying it out years before Twitch was around.

The only reason it came up again for me was I noticed it in some old computer files, ha! Used to be my most used application by far.

Ah yeah, I forgot about Hamachi! It was great for games that only supported LAN multiplayer.

No worries! I definitely get it, coding everything and getting it out there is the biggest thing. Maybe sometime down the road!

Thanks for the App!

Was literally wondering if there was something out there to do this earlier today, ha. This is awesome, great work!

Any plans to submit to the Play Store? Saw you mentioned it might be against a policy, but could still try I guess?

Yeah I’m not sure if I just went in with low expectations, but really great so far!

How many hours do you think you had to play to unlock the 10 player raids? That sounds pretty awesome!

I’ve been giving Exoprimal a try (free on GamePass). It’s actually a really fun mix of PvE and PvP so far! The story is hilariously strange as well. Not sure I’d think it’s worth $60, but for free it’s been a blast!

I enjoyed it as well (and it’s on Game Pass)! Reminded me of Inside, FAR Lone Sails, etc. Didn’t quite live up to those, but still solid!

It’s a fantastic game! Since it requires co-op to play, one neat thing the dev did was require only one person to own a copy (you friend can play free).

They did you with their previous game, A Way Out, as well. That one was also great!

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keeping them coming! Gives me a good list to look through, and also reminds me of some of my old favorites like Caesar 3! 😁

Not sure what subgenre it would be, but something like the Anno series, where the main focus is on building city / supply lines. Less difficult / complex would be good, and military is fine, as long as not the main focus (e.g. more RTS than city builder).

Any suggestions for a good city builder game?
I've always been a big fan of the Anno series, pretty much played all of them! Recently tried the Steamworld Build demo, and it was great. Looking for something to scratch the itch until release though. I've heard Farthest Frontier is good, any opinions on that, or other recommendation?

Looks pretty good! Although I wonder if moving to 3rd person from the top-down view will cause it to lose some of what made the original unique?