Armok: God of Blood

ArmokGoB: ArmokGoB

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Then he should put that in the title.

The difference between $12 and $14 is not equal to 50% of $12.

Someone there was supposed to help me get a job, but I woke up to them telling me about this instead.

No, fuck this dude. You don’t get to release an EARLY ACCESS game and then tell people they should worry less about the pace it’s being developed at. If you can’t finish your product in a reasonable amount of time, either hire more staff, make (and advertise) a smaller experience, or don’t start taking money for your product until it’s complete.

People (as in the People) run the market, and they are fucking morons. People also run the government, which is why there’s no legislation preventing the dark patterns and other predatory bullshit that game publishers push nowadays.

I would love to see a class action lawsuit against Blizzard for this bait and switch scheme.

The monetization model looks questionable at best. I wonder how much it will cost to get all the mechanical content, let alone all the cosmetic content.

On the other hand, we rarely get games that are even as good as No Man’s Sky is now.

I liked the original pitch where you were supposed to be exploring this strange, empty, hostile galaxy. Now it feels like the game just got turned into Fortnite in space. I don’t want to need a base or anything.

Hello Games’s release of No Man’s Sky was a massive gamble that was more likely to fail than not. They shouldn’t have been forgiven for the false advertising and broken promises. Half the gaming industry seems to have gotten the idea that it’s okay to release a half-baked mess for $30-$70 and then maybe fix it later.

Every time I’ve used OSM I’ve seen the maps vandalized. I don’t trust anything running on OSM.

Destiny 2 has so much sketchy stuff going on that I was able to write a graduate thesis on it.

Don’t do work that requires uploading your work to the internet before being paid if you’re not okay with some people experiencing it for free.

“This isn’t worth the price” is valid criticism.

Automated bans just lead to harassment and false positives. There should only be manual review on human-operated accounts.

I’ve played 1,300 hours of Destiny 2. I basically wrote my graduate thesis on how it uses psychological tactics to exploit its playerbase and how contemporary business models in gaming are harmful to consumers. Anyways, I gotta grind out my red borders before TFS drops.

We don’t talk about how they racked up hundreds of thousands of negative reviews in three days last week with their shitty business decisions.

Yes, there was no online play or updates, so they couldn’t steal back the game you paid for because they decided to stop supporting it one day.


PSA: There is currently an RCE exploit being abused in @PlayApex. It is unsure whether it comes from the game or the actual anti-cheat (@TeddyEAC). I would advise against playing any games protected by EAC or any EA titles once they have fixed this or can comment. Currently, the RCE is being abused to inject cheats into streamers machines, which means they have the capabilities to do whatever, like installing ransomware software locking up your entire PC.

I didn’t realize “low effort posts” was just for “anything I don’t like.”

Arguing with that dude is like arguing with a sovereign citizen. His concept of the way the world works isn’t based in reality.

Isn’t Randy Pitchford the guy that left a USB stick of child porn at a Medieval Times?