Arkhive (they/she)
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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Among plenty of the other things mentioned, I enjoy “diagetic interfaces”. Ways of interacting with a game’s systems that stay grounded in the reality of the setting of the world. Dead Space is a prime example, but I’ve been enjoying a lot of the crafting in Vintage Story for this reason. The smithing in particular has had me hooked for a while. Hammering out my armor and weapons voxel by voxel made finally suiting up and feeling ready to take on a boss that much more satisfying.

Second this, and all functionality worked over USB right out of the box. Didn’t have to config my Arch (btw) install at all. Literally plug and play. Easier than all the fiddling I had to do with windows.

I often get game choice paralysis, so I have extensively categorized my game library to help with both decision making, but also time management. I use numbers to force my categories to sort in the order I want rather than alphabetically by category name.

Also worth noting I only started doing this after I stopped playing an MMO and reclaimed whatever % of my life.

First is my “currently playing” category. This contains roughly one game from each other category/genre.

  • A story driven RPG (Witcher 3 at the moment, the Metro series after)
  • A rhythm game (McOsu, an Osu mod)
  • An optimization/building game (Shapez 2 but maybe back to factorio soon)
  • An action rougelike (going back to Hades before Hades 2)
  • A deck builder (currently MTGA, but my group really wants to ditch WotC)
  • A puzzle game (probably Blue Prince once it comes out)
  • A dedicated indie game spot (the Cairn demo)
  • A few other odd games that I like having quick access to because I like them

There is sort of a secret bonus game to this section, but it also sits outside of this system entirely, because I will ALWAYS go back to it. And that’s the “block game” category. For a long time this was various flavors of modded Minecraft, but I’m so fed up with Microsoft enshitifying my baby that I’ve jumped ship. I’m playing Vintage Story (also heavily modded) and it’s just a better game top to bottom in my opinion.

Then there is an “Interesred” category for games I’ve either been told I should try and also think I might enjoy. I try to keep this small, following roughly a similar “one per genre” as the previous category. I honestly don’t really touch these much, it’s more there for when a spot is freed up in the “currently playing” section. This is also where demos for unreleased games go.

Then there is a “favorite” and “liked” category which largely contain games I’ve played before or are intentionally hyper replayable. This has a lot of my favorite puzzle games, a lot of the various rogue likes with a different game as the core mechanic (think peglin and ballionaire) stuff like that. Basically things to sift through if none of my current games are sparking an interest.

After this is just genre categories used for storage essentially so I can collapse them and not be sick scrolling the whole list.

I have a decent amount of time to game, but also work a very physical job, so I need to be very into a game to prioritize it over sleeping and such.

I recently went through getting it to run on Linux. It’s one of the only Bungie games I haven’t played. Shockingly in depth combat, I’m enjoying it, but I’m bad at combo based fighting games, so I’m playing it in very bite sized pieces.

I finally kicked my Destiny 2 habit by installing Linux, and while I absolutely miss the gameplay and my team, I haven’t really looked back. I’m involved and interested in so many other things now. I still see the odd post that gives ma a pang of FOMO, but the thought of booting into my windows install makes me want to peel my skin off with tweezers.

Not an MMORPG by any means, but I’ve been really enjoying a “Minecraft like” called Vintage Story that is giving me the same feeling. The commodification of Minecraft has finally frustrated me enough and I’m jumping ship.

Came here to say Roboquest. Replaced Destiny 2 for me when I finally ditched windows for Linux. Though I would love a harder difficulty coop PvE shooter that has similar feel to Destiny. Roboquest has coop but I will always of raiding with my team.

Obligatory, and please please take this as the most silly of jokes: pushes up glasses UUUMMMMM akchually WINE is a compatibility layer, not an emulator, its name literally stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.

Again, it’s just kind of a running bit in the Wine community. The same thing is right at the top of the projects home page if my memory serves, and it is definitely easier to refer to it as an emulator. “Compatibility layer” just doesn’t have the same ring to it lol

I am in the exact same position lol checking off some other games while it matures

I’ve stopped playing since Microsoft copilot was announced and I fully ditched windows, but I held on until the final raid because of the gun play, nostalgia, and the representation present in both the studio and the game. I grew up with the Marathon games, and the early Halo series. The DNA of those games is still there and I can’t help but love it. I’ve been chasing a single player experience that gets even close to Destiny’s feel for so long. The System Shock remake is getting close, but I would love a PvE only game from Bungie. For a long time (read pre-Sony-buyout) Bungie was also a sort of hold out for various minority representations I try to support. The studio’s media showed an employee base that is diverse and they often did a good job pushing back against players saying any sort of agenda was being pushed just for including diversity in the game. This made them a company I was much more willing to throw money at, compared to say, activision/blizzard. That sentiment as largely faded for me as the studio had been turned into a “for the shareholders” cow Sony can milk.

I appreciate it!! I realize it’s a pretty niche request, made mostly selfishly, but it’s very fun for me!!

I’ve been really enjoying Shapez2 after getting back into Factorio in preparation for the Shapez2 release. In the end very similar, but I’d say Shapez is like creative mode of factorio and doesn’t have any blatant colonialism lol.

This is really random, but could you go back to omitting the title of the game from the title of the post? I’m possibly the only one, but guessing the game before looking at the post text has become a sort of daily game for me.

I was just recommended a video about this game earlier today. I had already opened this thread, but had not read everything yet. I’m taking it as a sign. Terrafirmacraft is one of my fav Minecraft modpacks, and Vintage Story looked to lean into what TFC was trying to do to Minecraft. Cheers for the recommendation!!

Yeah. I’m so captured by the setting and enough of the characters that I’m seeing the light and dark saga through to the end, but I largely agree with the sentiment towards the game at the moment. I’ll let the studios next release come out and really gauge my interest carefully. Bungie has set my personal style for gamefeel and almost every game I enjoy, I enjoy due to its moment to moment similarity to destiny. Robo Quest, Metal Rising: Hellsinger, Bullets Per Minute, to name a few PvE based games.

That goes all the way back to playing halo on 2 original Xbox’s wired together in the attic of my friends barn at 3am, and even back to Marathon as a younger kid. On top of that, compared to pretty much every other major FPS title, the studio stands behind a lot of causes I align with. The representation in the game, and seeing myself and people like me present in destiny’s vision of the future un-ironically gives me a warm feeling.

I was just talking with some friends that an extraction shooter with world events the complexity of destiny raids would actually be super cool. A fireteam activates a raid (like sea of thieves forts) and begins diving into it, but then other teams can follow them in as the original groups clears encounters and puzzles. Maybe the teams following them in have some smaller scale mechanics to do, then there’s a heavy fight back out with whatever loot. Could make for the gameplay loop gambit could have been. I think the studio has potential to do the PvEvP really well, but we shall see.

Shocked Donkstiny Destiny 2 didn’t get mentioned yet.