Usually a lurker.
Maybe I should’ve just shut up and thought for a bit longer before writing that comment…

If you want to talk to me elsewhere, you know how to reach me.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Yakuza 3. Probably for the 3rd time as well because there was too much time since I played and lost track of the plot.

Yup. Exactly this. Users forgetting (again) there’s a world outside the US.

Isnt iOS pretty sluggish with the animations? I heard it was on the slower side (as if to show of the animation)

Imo isthereanydeal does the price tracking more useful.

That would most likely be one of the better solutions.
I think isthereanydeal works similar to that.

GTA 5 (Online).
Total: 2.253h
Estimated time spent in Online: Probably about 1900-2000h

The only reason I can spend so much time in there is because I have endless (had about 500mil) modded cash.
I never paid R* a dime beyond the game.

Wasnt the autumn sale just 2 weeks ago?

Sounds like something adjusted something in the nvidia control panel and the monitor is balancing that out with a low red value.
Maybe worth to take a look.

Well this may be a just-you-and-someothers problem the general audience (on lemmy at least) disagrees.
I am fine if devs sell on epic but not if it’s arbitrary exclusivity.
I have bought on EA and uPlay but I would never consider them again if they pay (for example) Take2 if they would exclusive sell GTA6 on the EA store.

Tbh any stake is too much and I’ll try to reduce it if possible (e.g. pihole for tracking urls).
Rather I would prefer to own stake in tencent :p At least I get paid dividends.

Steam does provide good general dev services
GOG preserves games and let’s you own game files without pesky DRM
What does Epic do besides developing UE5 and harrassing the PC platform with exclusivity deals?

Other dev-specific platforms like EA amd Uplay get a pass because they publish only their own games.

I’d imagine it being a hit during the early 2000s.
Nowadays in the 2020s though? Hardly. :/

Rip the base game + patches in a zip rather than the bare CD for preservation…
Right now the CDs are basically plastic waste inside more waste, sealed inside more waste.

Nintendo is a major exception to everything. This is about PC, XBOX and Playstation.

“Physical games” that dont run until patched with 5 day one patches because the game needed to be shipped with something.
Or you get a code lol

Theres still the basic ‘Gallery’ App by Google without all those things.

Luckily I started to only buy games after comparing on isthereanydeal.

This was an example for someone that couldnt care less about twitter and social media politics.

I never tried it. My only contact with the fediverse was through Lemmy.
When I became aware of lemmy it was first through the piracy subreddit doing the exodus and the head mod db0 mentioning the new piracy community. I wasnt aware of instances at the time and signed up on because that was the first thing that popped up.
Later I realized I didnt want to be a part of ml and switched to my current instance.

Same goes for matrix. Signed up on element and now I dunno if I wanna stay there or leave. No special reason to do either.

Last time I heard about Mastodon it also doesnt inform about instances.
First google on mastodon leads me to
A few links later (Info about an animal called mastodon,, google news widget, google info page widget and a “people also ask” section) I get to the page and first leads me to and a server selector.
My grandmother would be overwhelmed, my mother would ask me if the site is safe (I warned her to be wary about domains switching) and I assume other more tech iliterate would be just joining totally defeating the use case of deferedation.

The usual suspects couldnt care less. The more convenient it is the better. No matter how bad the future wil be.

Cool. Now give me an argument why my mother would care about this fact.

Maybe for the tech bubble.Most normies I know know that reddit exists but peimarily scroll on insta.

Oh whoops. Yeah I thought FS was referring to Flight Sim :')
But point still stands for that.
As for Farming Sim idk. The only time I played it was on my 3DS playing the FS13 demo.
Was okay to play with.

FS will probably never be as you stream the satellite data.
At best low res map packs.

The controller is about 3-4 years old if I remember correctly with moderate use.
But I also use fluid soap. Afaik that may leave residues on equipment?

I wash my hands after eating if I use my controller (else it depends if they feel dirty).
Even doing that the thumbsticks (of my Shock Blue xbox series controller) are still are a bit discolored.

To me NoMansSky feels like singleplayer Minecraft but with planets and tasks/missions.
So if you arent fond of that, I’m afraid it’s not for you. You can play witg randoms but I would say this isnt the norm.