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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


The computer self corrected based on its understanding of math principles that it learned through text. It’s not about the math. It used reason.

The computer had a thought. A rudimentary one, yes. But an actual thought.

I don’t really know what to say if you don’t see why that’s an amazing discovery.

Also the Belgium thing was if it continued growing at the rate it is, but the technology didn’t improve. The technology has already improved by two generations since that paper was written. It’s a crappy talking point and nothing else.

Yeah dropping in between BG3 and phantom liberty doomed them

they’re banning hitboxes??? jesus christ they really don’t want to compete in the FGC huh

I mean they’re making a sequel. We’re going to get to see what happens later in night city, just not in this game, because it ends where it should.

most of the quests were pretty lackluster, honestly. It was an interesting game. I put quite a bit of time into it but Phantom Liberty dropping pretty much killed my interest in finishing it. I know that’s sort of a cliche statement at this point but it’s true. I was on the last mission when PL finished downloading and I turned off Starfield and am about to uninstall it and never touch it again.

idk it does seem like few AAA titles drop with no major issues. like, it was news that starfield wasn’t SUPER buggy.

Google’s tech union crossed the picket line when their NYC building was getting asbestos removed by scabs. They refused to help the custodial union. They suck, too.

it’s definitely a full release. i’m like 20 hours in and just scratching the surface with no real bugs to speak of. it’s just not mind-blowingly amazing and there are too many loading screens. it’s fun enough to entertain me until phantom liberty drops.

The courts aren’t going to side with copyright holders. As much as the US loves its ridiculous copyright laws it loves profit and being on the bleeding edge of tech more. There is absolutely ZERO chance that the United States will let China, who does not care about IP, carry the keys to the AI kingdom

30 year old Asians will get fucked over by this, I’ll bet.

The DishBrain’s advanced learning capabilities, in other words, could underpin a new generation of machine learning, particularly when embodied in autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots. It could give them, says Razi, “a new type of machine intelligence that is able to learn throughout its lifetime.”

literally motherfucking cylons, y’all

I’m so glad I just ordered all of those sweet Cronenburg shirts