You misunderstood. The US is <10% of Samsung phone sales globally (I found retail sales online for their handset sales per country) . And they will know the stats of which of those phones ever used the magstripe feature. An educated guess of <1% of global users activating the mag stripe feature is a feature they can afford to cut, especially if it saves on cost.
Re. the Mag-Stripe. Bare in mind the US is <10% of the market for the Samsung phones. And then you’d need to break down of the Samsung phones sold in North America - how many of those were S-series vs. the others which don’t support the mag-stripe. Even if 50-50, that’s now <5% of phones which have mag-stripe support in a country that uses it. Then rough guess of 20% of users actually pay by phone? You’re now <1%. A small pale blue dot in the vast cosmic arena…
SD cards - there’s also the point of user data security. Data stored on an SD card can’t be easily guarenteed safe by Knox. Yes, you can encrypt it, but remove that SD card and the card itself can’t protect the data from brute forcing encyption keys.
The other issues with SD card is security. Your data isn’t safely tucked away, controlled by Knox if it’s on a SD card which can be removed. And ‘letting the user choose’ just means that there needs to be configuration and extra options in firmware, which leads to backdoors and workarounds and a higher chance of comprimsed user data. (When they’re not just stealing it off your device and selling it anyway…).
I’m going to jump to Samsung’s defense here as I think your anti-consumer belief is misguided:
Each to their own but these are just my views based on 11 years in the mobile phone retail business.
It’s likely designed to only use it, so you’re probably SOOL. Try reinstalling the apk:
If anyone happens to remember , I was your floating admin (I literally floated around the Map during death matches)
At it’s hayday, it was the 1st/2nd most popular server in the UK.
If I can remember, my little PC managed to handle 20 players, all on a 2mbit line, sneakily hosted in my server room at work in circa 2000…
Yeah, I’m that old.