I played Dota games circa 2010, and I was decent. My most preferred game was Heroes of the Storm because it felt more streamlined and team based than Dota, and this has caused me to lose so many skills like lane control (kills/denials) and item management.
Is there any way of getting those skills back? Any resources where it may explain each role (carry, ganker, etc) with a few characters in detail? Any game I’ve played in turbo or otherwise has resulted in showing my incompetence 😂
While PDX-published games may suffer from the decouplement of features between DLCs, at the very least PDS-developed games have a built-up expertise when it comes to managing this.
As for MMO model, it’s a hard sell because purchased things get made “free” for new comers. It’s one of the crux that EU4 faced when they rolled many DLC features into the base game.