Competitive play used to be fun, but like so many things it was pushed to extremes and taken out of the world of being fun as the end in itself into league plays and people that take it too seriously, to the point people that play 18 hours a day get a fan base instead of therapy.
As someone formerly on the Halo side, the gaming world seemed to turn to shit after Reach.
There are bots that can challenge and destroy any human player, there are as you say single player experiences, so I also don’t see the point in engaging with the toxicity of modern multiplayer, except with irl friends.
Embracer joins TimeWarnerHBODiscoveryParamountSoonblahblahblah in confirming capitalism is in its terminal stage.
No unexploited markets in which to further to grow/metastasize, and entire economic sectors eating their own tails to be gutted of their ability to actually make the products/services their sector existed to provide in the first place for a short term stock bump celebrating cruelty.
This is a fire sale, and the capitalists know it. The worst bit is, it’s happening in every economic sector, even the life and death ones.
It’s like everyone exists to tear everyone else down now.
50 states of the same supposed society trying to beat eachother, an economy of 300 million people trying to get mooooaaaaar than their neighbors, and the cherry on top, social media stoked resentment between the haves and have nots.
This what happens when you configure a society to compete against itself, almost everyone ends up kicked in the teeth.
Except the owners of course. They like it like this. They helped mold it into this. As long as we keep tearing each other down, their game of divide and profit can proceed.
It would be nice if we could have just said “ooh, a fun game.” Instead there are legions of people daring Nintendo corporate to sue them, not for a good reason, just to start some shit for entertainment and tear people that made a fun thing down to feel important.
And the enshittification continues.
This again is why modern gamers are just fucking impossible to please. Bethesda gives you BOTH options. If you need to get to a planet from one solar system to another, you CAN just press a button and be on that other planet, or in its orbit if you haven’t been on it yet.
But that’s just it, you CAN instead pull up your starmap once that mission is active, see the star you’re at, and all the little dots youll follow to get where you’re going. You can then jump to each dot on the way, look around, scan planets, get hailed by ships, visit places your scans found, etc on your way to your mission. Doing this, you’ll often get sidetracked with another mission, the choice is yours. They dumbed down interstellar travel as hard as they could without it no longer resembling what interstellar travel would be like.
I’m of the opinion thats what Bethesda wants you to do, and the fast travel is just for people who want to level/“beat” the game quickly as its own end instead of taking it all in, possibly and understandably due to player time constraints.
Fast travel is a convenience feature. People would be bitching if it wasn’t in there. Sometimes you just want to zip back to Whiterun Diamond City New Atlantis to sell some crap.
Modern gamers are self-destructive. Nothing is good enough, and because every AAA release gets torn down and review bombed in one way or another, most and eventually all games from developers with the resources to make something of scale will become pay to win, microtransaction based garbage.
Because if they can’t please their audience and lose all passion for the craft because of it, they’ll just say fuck it go straight for the credit cards of those that do show up.
I’ve played about 70 hours so far. If you like the genre but starfield doesn’t wow you, I don’t think you’re able to be pleased. Is it perfect? No. Is it at absolute minimum an A grade? Absolutely.
I enjoyed the new game, just as I did the previous titles.
They made a mistake of setting, placing it in a sparse desert city didn’t do much for visual spectacle, but imho it wasn’t anything close to the irredeemable piece of shit people made it out to be.
I honestly think gamer’s expectations are too high in general these days, and treating an enjoyable game like crap because they didn’t meet unrealistic expectations will just lead to more safely profitable regurgitated remasters and microtransaction games as the industry is drained of any passion or risk tolerance, just as what happened to hollywood abandoning stories in favor of profit formulas and known IPs.
The base game is prettier and more stable in my few playthrough hours with the update.
I miss mods, but this was a significant improvement to the base game imho, especially base visuals, and mods will come.
Honestly the last time I launched the game in an unmodded, un-community patched state, a couple years ago to be fair, it crashed every half hour or so for me from runtime errors, so this feels like a more stable bedrock on which to build.
Just one Bethesda fan’s perspective.