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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


It’s also a very solid game. (the same can’t be said for every game on that list but it’s true for many of them)

People have already engaged. There’s nothing left to say to this other than I wholeheartedly disagree and this is a bigger deal than you’re making it out to be.

Many of the games listed here have old or dead links, and you can’t sort by rating either. I had a very bad time finding games using this site.

I kind of figured but it’s such a meme in the GT community that I couldn’t help myself lol.

Oh my god it’s greg from gregtech. I thought for sure you’d have keepinventory off.

And it still looks and plays like a game from 10 years ago. (Still very fun, but damn.)

But cartoons aren’t as popular in the us as anime is in Japan. Its what adults and children alike want over there. Or else they wouldn’t do this.

Well the game is more popular than ever and better than ever! If you want to try it again let me know and we can play together. It’s a ton of fun. Especially with the new salvaging gameplay

I think it chases a different goal. Guideless chases the experience and struggle, guided chases the power fantasy and complete victory/domination over all challenges. Both are valid I think, but I’m a very strict guideless type of player in all games.

It was a player. They can insurance claim it and be back in it before I was even done scrapping it most likely. Or they might have been able to track it down and attack me to get it back, and I wouldn’t have been able to defend myself in the scrapping ship which is basically a big space barge not made for combat, which would have been cool as hell.

Listen, if you don’t want your multi million dollar space yacht stolen, don’t leave it unlocked and unattended at a space station. This was a valuable lesson for someone. (Real talk though, I am not even sure where the owner was, they may have even logged off with their ship sitting outside the station)

It depends on when you last played it. A few updates ago they improved performance a ton, but its still rough sometimes, especially if you have 16gb or less RAM.

There is! I play it all the time with my friends and its some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a video game. The other day we hijacked some guy’s space yacht and flew it to deep space, I left the ship with my friend while we brought our huge salvage ship over and scraped off all the metal from the ship, then chewed it up with the mounted claw/grinder. The whole process took 3 people 2 hours and it was so much fun.

It’s not for everyone and may very well never release. But I’ve been waiting for a game like this for years and I can’t get enough of it. The immersion is insane.

Being generous with this actual estimate, there’s like 22 of them.

Yeah all of that is valid, but it doesn’t really justify putting a mod on a platform that’s objectively worse for modding and making a large portion of your users have an objectively worse time installing and managing all their mods. I would love for gog to step up and make a modding platform (and specifically mod manager) even close to the quality of nexus’ but they haven’t yet.

Then they should be better. Nexus’ monopoly is like steam’s. They got it by just making a product that isn’t a major pain to work with. (Okay all Bethesda modding is always a major pain but nexus has made it as tolerqble as it has been so far)

Why? Installing mods is so much easier and less annoying with the nexus launcher. It’s the gold standard for Bethesda mod managers.

Edit: if I use other mods too, this means I will use gog to get it, then nexus to manage it.

This is non-news, like all tech companies, they are bound by law to do this. It happens more than 6000 times per year for Proton. However, this user just had bad opsec. Proton emails are all encrypted and cannot be read unless law enforcement gets your password, which Proton does not have access to. Even if Proton hands over all data.

Didn’t work with the kernel level anti cheat. Not enough hell was raised.

Damn too bad they didn’t fix any of the issues that were giving it a 56% rating on steam.

I think so. With 5v5 matchmaking option it will help with the learning curve.

I was in the playtest and it was great. Reminds me of tribes 2.

You see, what they are trying to say is that the 1’s and 0’s are nice and crispety crunchety but unreal engine is soft and mushy.

Yeah time is a big one. It definitely requires time and patience to actually get to the good gameplay sometimes.

I agree with you in concept, but I think certain suits wouldn’t make sense with that functionality. The skin-tight EVA suits with the small helmets, that have just a few minutes of oxygen I feel wouldn’t have the room/capability to allow the user to eat/drink hands-free. But there are several suits that are bigger, and designed for extended exploration sessions that have tons of oxygen storage and larger helmets/built-in backpacks that would absolutely have other life support like food/water built-in.

The smaller suits are designed just in case you need to EVA, and many ships have dining areas so you can pop the helmet off and enjoy a meal in comfort.

Last patch I would have said yes but this patch they changed a bunch of things again haha.

Yeah I can agree that it sucks major ass right now. The idea is cool, but it does get very annoying when re-buying stuff after dealing with bugs. One change that could fix all of this is getting to take out insurance on not just your ship, but your ship and everything in it (not including, like, ore or something. Only stuff you can buy.). So if I ever claim a ship, I could make that specific ship come with a specific set of armor, specific personal guns, ammo, medical supplies, and even food and water.

I do like shopping for stuff. But if I already know what I’m buying, especially if it’s the same stuff every time, I’d like my ship to come with it.

On a side note, drinking while in the pilot seat should be automatic, or at least very easy. I get so thirsty just sitting in my seat flying or idling/waiting.

But the idea of having to tend to bodily needs is something I definitely agree with and think is fun for a simulation, at the base level.

Edit: on many of the bigger ships, like the mercury star runner, there should certainly be waste recycling to provide you with water. It has toilets. It’s meant to sustain life for a long time. It has a bed and a fridge. There’s no reason to not let the ship help keep us hydrated.

I don’t know if they’ve directly addressed this, as it seems like a terrible thing to even acknowledge, PR-wise even though it’s true. Though that doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of the game in it’s current state.

Thanks for asking a question and not immediately bashing my opinion! It’s not a common response I get with this game.

For me, SC as a space sim offers more of the “sim” than any other game. For example, my recent favorite gameplay loop is being a rescue medic. I have a cutlass red, which is red, has ambulance-like lights, and a med bay. I get kitted up with red armor, healing supplies and tools, and lots of extra food and water. Plus a few guns because whatever injured people is likely going to try to get me too.

Once all the shopping is done, I load up my cutlass red and wait for someone to submit a rescue beacon. (they can do this when rendered unconscious with a single key press) Once I get one, I speed over (I have equipped a very inefficient but very fast warp drive) and extract them or heal them on the spot if possible, and clear out any enemies in the mean time.

This is some of the most satisfying and rewarding gameplay I’ve ever experienced. Because it’s not a level someone designed, it’s pure emergent gameplay with extremely heavy simulation roots. There is no teleporting in and out of ships. Every door in the ship has a little button I have to press to open it. I have to stay hydrated. The little things add to it. It all comes together to make some of the best content I’ve ever experienced.

And the people I save are genuinely grateful. It takes time and effort to buy a whole new set of armor and weapons and such, so I’m saving them all that time and money, and while obviously not as impactful as actually saving a life, it makes it much much more gratifying than, say, resurrecting someone in planetside or squad or something.

That’s just one type of gameplay. But the principle is the same with other gameplay loops. It’s the most in-depth space simulation I can get right now. Sure, some other games are more polished, have better ship combat, run better (okay ALL of them run better), etc. But none of them have everything that SC does, with the level of realism that SC does, with the in-instance ship interiors that SC does.

As far as buying ships goes, honestly I just like big ships. I used to climb on tractors when I was a little kid. They were so much bigger than me and just looking at them filled me with a sense of awe. This game does the same. I have spent quite a bit on it over the years, but only $10 or $30 here and there, to upgrade existing ships to others. You can trade in ships for other ships, melt them down for store credit, use that to get different ships. I’ve had so many ships just from swapping them around and every time I spend money it’s just the price of ordering out, for a lot more enjoyment than I’d get from a pizza. It eventually added up to several hundred dollars and it was personally worth it for me to feel that amazing feeling of exploring what is essentially a mobile skyscraper or a hot rod or an ambulance or a fortress of destruction. You can earn most of these in game as well. But it’s easier to get that dopamine hit immediately for the price of an unhealthy meal haha. Now that I have that much money invested, it’s still “liquid” in that I can melt down my ships at any time and basically buy any currently purchasable ship immediately with no additional money spent.

Edit: since you mentioned community, the SC community is pretty like-minded. The people I save often go on to be my friends and play with me sometimes. Everyone is very nice. The most toxicity I ever see are people who join the game and shit on it, while insulting everyone else who plays it, then most likely leave and uninstall. These are people who think the game is a scam, maybe they’re original kickstart backers who are just mad about the game or even just bought it to ride on the hate train. (being mad after backing the kickstarter is a valid stance, but I’m not going to get into that here. The only invalid stance is believing other people shouldn’t enjoy the game.) The people who ACTUALLY play it regularly already know what they’re getting into. They have no illusions about what this game is, and because of that they end up being one of the most welcoming communities of any game I’ve played. Everyone’s just here to have fun with cool space ships and each other.

Disclaimer: I agree that SC is a burning pile of spaghetti code that will likely never be finished. I agree that they made promises in the kickstarter that they did not fulfill. I know you can buy thousands of dollars worth of in-game ships for an incomplete game. It will likely never finish. Yet I still play the game. And it’s really fun! Come play with me some time :)

I buy ships sometimes. AMA. I have fun with it too :)