[He/Him, Nosist, Touch typist, Enthusiast, Superuser impostorist, keen-eyed humorist, endeavourOS shillist, kotlin useist, wonderful bastard, professinal pedant miser]
Stuped person says stuped things, people boom
Maybe migrating to kbin.melroy.org
the award heist is going smoothly. theyll never know what hit them. but even though everyone banded together to put my crappy scribbles on the lineup, i need you to click on them AGAIN because gaben DOESNT WANT US TO WIN!!!
who is stronger, todd howard (1 man) or the HUSTLERS (millions)
—Game developer of Your Only Move Is HUSTLE, a fellow innovative award finalist
Actually, they kinda do take responsibility for mac gaming. They helped develop https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK which basically runs Vulkan on Metal. The Linux version uses Vulkan, so in theory it shouldn’t be too hard to port, they just didn’t.
They still have some pretty old version of OpenGL and Metal was a bit before Vulkan, so it’s sort of a lightning vs USB C situation.
I don’t believe that it was easy. Since it started macOS was based on BSD, not Linux, which is quite different. They also use different types of binaries and the similarities between kernels should end beyond the BSD compatibility layer. See https://wiki.freebsd.org/Myths#FreeBSD_is_Just_macOS_Without_the_Good_Bits
Try Among Us Town of Host Re-Edited
it has more freaking roles than I can ever remember and quite a bit are OP, also very configurable by host, you have to join rooms by code though ever since innersloth upped anticheat. If it says something version incompatible enable vanilla mode in settings
I also wonder if you have tried Blockstorm, it’s pretty much high quality shenanigans
Undertale in case you haven’t played it yet… you’ve played it, right?
zero escape. going in blind is a must. at least 999 had really banger music and nice puzzles and story. 999 also had its story made for the 3DS, so it’s best if you play it on a DS emulator. it’s also similar to danganronpa at least stylistically, and makoto has a zero escape logo on his hoodie
bloons td maybe. the music might not be that good but they’re still bangers
To be more concrete, we have to see if nearly all of the released games on the list have been subject to “abnormal review activity”, which steam automatically excludes from the percentage