With all the very valid talking points that float around the Internet and here, the most important one is how sloppy Sony’s data security has been throughout the years. The breaches during the last decade simply stripped every piece of trust from me. That’s why I’m not a fan of PSN, even if you could argue it’s just “yet another account”.
But unless near everybody refuses to buy these PC games and cut into the sales of Sony through boycott, I don’t see Sony stopping it.
I’ve rediscovered my passion for Satisfactory once again. In my last save, I’ve made the mistake of rebuilding many of my larger factories in quick succession and the repetitive feeling and frustration I’ve caused myself sucked out the energy to play for quite a while now.
Now I’ve started a new save to see what’s new in 1.0. Semi-automatable biomass burners won me over right away. This time, I plan on not overplanning again. I’m already planning the planning prevention plan preparations.