Well thats kind of the point of my statement about “it’s 2024”
I understand game AI is a complex problem. But it seems like we havent made any progress since civ3… And we’re right in the middle of an AI hype cycle… Can we not use AI for something useful like games? Instead of just making deepfakes, disinformation, and firing workers?
I’d rather just pay a subscriptiom fee (aka paywall) than buy some branded crap that i dont need…
Like, whatever a creators markup is on a tshirt, i’d rather just give them that money in susbscription fee.
Why would i buy a $55 tshirt and have have the creator take home $5? I’d rather just give them the $5
Who is going to pay for it? Every time journalists try to get paid enough to eat and have a roof over their head people cry “paywall!!!”
Or if they do ad supported people cry “ad infested cancer site!!” Or “lol adblock!”
Just to be clear, i adblock the shit out of the internet. I prefer some kind of paid model, but i’ll get downvoted to hell for saying that. I’m not smart enough to have any good answers on how to pay journalists. But crying “paywall” at everything is not helpful…
What i dislike is having to have an account and password for everything. There needs to be a better model/system for paying journalists (not just in gaming media)
Currently the only business models are:
And it seems like the only sustainable ones in this day and age are 1 and 2 (to the detriment of our society)
i think its a bit more simple than that
If a product is really good experience for you (ie. Not crammed with ads) AND you dont pay anything for it, then it’s not profitable.
Google didnt become one of the biggest companies in the world by doing volunteer work for your benefit
They only exist to show ads and/or harvest your data. Once those goals are met, then the user doesnt matter. They NEVER mattered
letting the same artists that are already doing this well do it faster.
Not just doing it faster, but i think there might be some benefit to allowing AI to generate content that would NEVER have been made otherwise.
Like inane NPC chatter. We could have virtually unlimited NPC conversations, instead of “i took an arrow in the knee” over and over again. Would that make a game better? I dont know. Maybe, maybe not. But what i do know is that endless NPC chatter is not something ANY developer would EVER take the time to do so why not let AI do it (if it makes a game world and lore better)?
When you say “unrecoverable” do you mean the graphical desktop didnt load? Or you couldnt even log in to the terminal?
A lot of newbies assume that not getting to a graphical session means the OS is dead and nuke it and start over. When in a lot of cases, you can just switch to the command line and troubleshoot or roll back the broken drivers
Just for future reference if you try linux again