Games without frequent changing updates:
Civilisation V, Civilisation VI
CMS: Anno 1602 (1998), Factorio
Open world RPG: Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 4
Tycoon: OpenTTD (FOSS)
Farming Simulator (2009, too bland), 2011, 2013, 2015
Games with changing updates:
Roguelike: Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (FOSS)
Sandbox: Minecraft, Minetest
Soviet Republic: Workers and Resources
Chemical and Aluminium supply chains were always too complex so far.
Cities Skylines
DLC2Win, traffic problems are real.
The Witcher 3
The DLC’s are too damn hard and Toussaint is so distracting. Fuck Velen.
I don’t even know how large parts of this game work anymore: Elytra, Portals in the End, Underwater fortresses, Pigsphere in the Nether?
Bosses are really hard and scary.
Papers Please
This should bar them from pulling bought titles from libraries as well.