@[email protected]

SNES when growing up. When it was released, it felt like having an arcade machine at home. The sound & 16-bit graphics with titles like TMNT Turtles in Time, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat, Final Fight, Super Double Dragon, and T2 The Arcade Game.

I was also a PC gamer but never looked at a PC as a gaming system/console. Played games like Sim City, Sim City 2000, Doom 1 & 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Wing Commander series, Warcraft, Starcraft, Command & Conquer series, and the list goes on.

@[email protected]

This for me as well. Gotta add Chrono Trigger. FFV. Breathe of Fire. Some really great RPGs that are still being emulated today.

Patient Gamers
[email protected]
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