This means you can’t pass the game around to your friends or sell it afterwards, which completely ruins the purpose of physical media imo. I mostly play PC these days so this doesn’t affect me, but it’s a disappointing direction for console games. At least they could’ve used an empty disc that has proof of ownership.
EDIT: Bethesda has confirmed that only the PC version won’t include a disc. Physical versions of Xbox will include a disc. Whew.
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An Ultra-HD dual layer blueray disc can hold nearly 100gb of data. It’s not especially complex to have a game with 2 physical discs that encompass different parts of the game. They’ve been doing it since PS1 (FF7 was 4 iirc).
Yeah, but back in the day, a CD cost a lot less than a dollar. Have you looked at the unit cost for a 100gb disc?
And if it comes with a single-use registration code 80% of the people in this thread would still be pissed off. So, it’s now more expensive, and still deeply flawed.
Because the not use of registration is the whole point? It needs to be optional, how it worked very well for years on PC.