I made the what’s next after Half-Life thread and received many awesome recommendations, thank you guys! During the Holidays a game caught all my attention: Pentiment. It hooked me and I played it non stop for three days, now that I finished it, I may do another play through to unlock all achievements and try other choices, but in the meantime I am in quest for similar games!
What I’m craving :
Thanks !!
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it’s price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don’t meet the system requirements, or just haven’t had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance might fit this. It’s set in 15th century Bohemia (modern day Czechia), and was designed with input from archaeologists and historians. That may present too much overlap with 15th century Bavaria, though. It’s an immersive sim with at least some jankiness, though I believe many bugs have been squashed since release. It can also be a bit tough in the early going as your character starts out pretty weak by design. Your character gets better at skills as you use them and the game starts to shine more once you’ve established some basic competency.
I’d recommend There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension. Chock full of 4th wall breaks and meta commentary on games, game design and game development, plus lots of humour and a ton of heart. There is a bit of a mystery component as well. I’d recommend avoiding spoilers if at all possible, I went in blind and I think it made for a much better overall experience.
I can second There is No Game: Wrong Dimension. One of the best games ever.
I’ll second Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Absolutely bursting with fun historical knowledge to give context to not only its world but ours. I will admit it’s a bit janky at times, and mention that the sequel is coming out in the first quarter of this year I believe.